It’s been a while since I’ve had time to post here. We’ve been pretty busy getting this new project started. It’s our first major SIPS job using SIPS for all the exterior walls and interior demising walls for a large college Dorm project.
As you can see, they’re not your average dorms. All structural steel and concrete to start, then SIPS walls, 5 1/2″ x 24″ gluelam beams, then stick framed rafter roofs {12/12 & 18/12 pitches}. Total project is 15 buildings, approx. 160,000 sq.ft. We have all wood framed parts of job, including SIPS assembly and setting.
Hopefully we’ll get it done before the snow gets too deep!
Wow, nice dorms. I bet that school ain't cheap.
No SIPs for the roof system, though?
Not cheap is right! 50 yr imitation slate shingles, cultured stone veneer 3.5' high around all perimeters, etc. Our NY taxes at work.SIPS was originally spec'ed for roof also but fell to cost cuts.
I'll post more pic's as things progress.