Just got a letter from my Insurance Company. We recently moved and it seems the IC couldnt find me (we did get all of our other mail forwarded) to give me my bill but they did take the time to send me a cancellation notice.
It just makes me crazy that I pay $4k + /year, and show up late once in four years with a payment and the only correspondence I get is a Cancelation Notice.
Kinda feels like legal extortion (no wait thats taxes). I have to have insurance, God help me if I ever need to use it, and miss a payment and “Vinnie” shows up at my front door.
I’m in the wrong business.
So they couldn't find you to send your "payment past due" notice but could located you to send the cancellation. Nice.
Jon Blakemore
RappahannockINC.com Fredericksburg, VA
I still havent gotten the bill. I just sent them a check after I phoned them. (they wouldnt accept a check over the phone).
I didn't even move and was driving around for a week without auto insurance. Forgot to pay and they cancelled me, got the notice a week later. I have a phone, can't they even call to see where the payment is?
As long as were trusting someone else to deliver the bill, I would hope there would be a "benefit of the doubt" kind of thing. Ya know, maybe a call like you suggest or an e-mail would be nice.
I've never been in the situation, but I would hope the company I've been with over 30 yrs would honor our relationship.
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
IMO, if the money went away your ins co would more than likely change their demeander rather quickly.