Our story….early on we agreed…which was a first! If a girl….I wanted a long, pretty name……which could have a “cute” guy nick name….and Cath liked the name Samantha…which could become Sam….and that was the girl choice. The middle name “Lee”…after her Mom’s middle name was picked. So…if a girl…Samantha Lee….
As you all know…..we had a boy….Corey Griffith….and the middle name was easy…..if her Mom’s middle for a girl……my Dad’s middle for a boy….and Griffith is his middle name…..which is also his Moms maiden name from Wales.
As for Corey…..he was one of my closest friends….from Toronto…that fell off the face of the earth about a week before our wedding. Luckily, Cath got to meet him once, for a long weekend, in person….and fell in love with him too! Corey Moss was a former T.O. kick boxing champion and had even been on the cover of Sports Illistrated when he was 16 or 17 yrs old. He was to come to Pgh for the wedding… he missed it….and that was the last I ever heard from/of him. With his lifestyle….he could have either been in jail or dead…..and enough years have passed that I’m thinking he’d have called for cig money by now……
He was a professional bouncer all over Toronto…..well paid, kinda famous, and always a target for a drunk that remembers his glory days. Needless to say….he was tough…..but he was also one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever come to know. And….one of the best friends a guy could ever hope for. I’m thinking he’ll make for one hell of a guardian angle to watch over our little guy. To think of the combo of he and Cath’s Mom watching from above…..discussing how things should be handled…well…..it’ll get interresting!
Little Corey will have some pretty big boxing gloves to fill…..but if he at least tries….I’m sure Big Corey will approve.
I gotta stop typing now…..’cause I don’t wanna short out the keyboard with tears!
….which would be one of Corey’s first lesson to Corey….real men aren’t afraid to cry…..sometimes. I love them both.
so…..what’s yer story??? Jeff
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
My wife was studying Chinese in anticipation of our trip there to meet our daughter. She comes in one day and asks how I like the word "Meili." It's beautiful, say I. That's what it means, says she. It was decided about a year beforehand.
We waited on the middle name till we got the referral, which is the official pairing of parents with baby, be/c we thought of incorporating part of her chinese name. Her name given by the orphanage director was Lu, QiuXiu. The QuiXiu is practically unpronounceable (something like "ChewShew" but not quite, means autumn flower or some such), but we used the Lu for part of it, be/c all the girls there had the surname of the director, so it had some meaning.
Throughout our travels there people were both surprised and elated that we gave her a Chinese name. Lots of smiles and claps. But it's also a name that has an easy english pronounciation--may lee. To us it's just a pretty name that suits her perfectly.
*Well, I got to name my son and my wife named my daughter. I think she just liked the name Amanda and Jean was her mother's middle name, so Amanda Jean.I can't remember where I came up with Richard Clark, Jr.If I was clever, I'd of made up a good story to match youse guys.Richard C. Beckman
*When my daughter was born 26 years ago I was studing the martial art "Aikido" extensivly. Thought about the temple city in Japan......changed the spelling a little and named her Niko....my youngest daughter (11) we named Jolie....French for pretty....Wanted names from around the world as I wanted my kids to know we are all one on this earth.When I was born in Manhatten fifty years ago and moved to Brooklyn then Queens then Long Island ...being a Jew and living in a lot of Black neighborhoods....or mixed. I saw and felt a lot of predjudice....towards me and towards others....Growing up with Black people in Corona Queens and going to Hebrew school after public school each day....most of my friends being black put me in a very unique position..I NEVER saw color....I just felt peoples predudice towards others cultures. Just thought the naming of my kids from other cultures was kind of a statement.
*i Richard Clark, Jr. i If I was clever, I'd of made up a good story to match youse guys. Boy, I'll say...You weren't even clever enough to give him your own last name. Is Clark the last name of the milkman ?
*well, since she wasn't a zacharia or michael....or jebediah..i figured she should be a Marnie.. or a Mayme after my grandmothers.... but Helen liked Mary Ann , after my mom....anyways. you know the part where they won't let you leave the hospital until you name your baby ?.... i came in to get them.. and Helen showed me the cover of SI.. with a woman's Hockey Team...and one of the stars was a Marianne....and her middle name could be another family name.. Phalen...so.. she has the same initials as my Dad.. MPS...Helen should have been an ambassador...
*my daughter's mother chose her name- I liked it and that's it. Channing.I was thinking about a name for my son when it stuck to my shoe- that name was overuled and I chose Logan. Thought it was a strong name and it fits
*You were going to call your son Bubble Gum ?
*I don't remember much about naming our kids. But this thread reminds me of an old Mother cat we had on the farm called "Ben Hur". When we first got the cat, we called it "Ben". But after it had kittens, we re-named it "Ben Hur", since it had been a her all along.
*My special step-daughter was named Katya after Nancy's three friends, all of whom had names that were derivations of Katherine, and one of the people Kathy(her friend) worked with was Polish and always called her Katya. Nancy liked the name, found it also in a baby name book as a derivation of Katherine and that was that!
*John was named after my Dad and my uncle who was Dads closest Brother frank thomas, Thus his name John Thomas, Adele was named after my wifes aunt Adele and my Aunt Marie thus Adele Marie, marie wasnt the closest aunt I had that was Josephine but I couldnt see nameing my girl Josephine. My baby name is well guess who her name is Roni Nicole and mine is Ronald Nickolas yea I know but shes always in the shop with me chip off the ol'block gotta do something about her temper its to much like mine. I was named after a uncle who I never knew he died at a very young age and my uncle nick well had my temperment and kinda my lifestyle when I was younger sort of a brawler/with a temper and alot of pride and always had some thing "going on". I was that way until my kiddos were born then they changed my life.
*My middle name, Clark, is the maiden name of my mother's mother. This year for Christmas, mom sent a check made out to Richard Krost Beckman. Krost is the maiden name of my father's mother! At least she remembered where they got the name (more or less!).Rich Beckman
*Nina was named after somebody in a soap opera.(wifes choice) Auneka means mother in one of our local languages.(wifes choice) Duke was named after John Wayne (wifes choice) Samantha Kay was a name that I have always like for the same reasons that Jeff mentioned. (my choice)
*I got to name my son, called him Max.... he lives up to it!
*I was lucky enough to be allowed to name my son, Richard (my fathers name) Leo (my favorite Uncle's name). He also inherited their nicknames Shorty Duke.My daughter is named Jessica because we both liked it and Juanita (wife's mothers middle name).
*With both our kids, thir mother and I had boy and girl names picked out well before the due date. When the kids were born, the names didn't seem right and we came up with names that suited them better. I don't remember what names we had picked for my son, but the name Jacob just came to mind when we saw him - there was practically no discussion - it was just right. His middle name is George, making him the fourth generation with that name.The story was the same with my daughter. The names we had picked simply were not right. She was a Sarah. Her middle name is May, after one of my grandmothers. The other grandmother and my MIL were both named Phyllis, but we couldn't do that to a poor little defenseless baby. Funny thing was that after they had both been around for some years I read that their first names are both on the list of the top ten most popular child names in the years they were born. We hadn't read anything about those names, admired anybody with those names, talked to anybody about those names - nothing. The only possible explanation is a secret organization which broadcasts name "suggestions" subsonically throughout every maternity hospital in the land. They change their lists slowly so names come and go. Take mine for instance - there are no more Rons. There used to be lots of us. Perhaps I'll be the last. What this orgasnization hopes to gain I can't imagine unless they are satisfied with a good laugh. Remember in the late 70's, early 80's pretty near every girl born became a Jennifer? They must have been rolling on the floor over that. Teachers were pulling their hair out, though.
*Look at the bright side - There's one less "Ron" on the board now........(-:
*No kids for me & her yet. (I keep saying I/we are "too young to die") But, we have decided that if we ever have a son, it'll be Eric Thomas, after her father and my father - both are deceased. Should twins occur, the second'll be Francis Noel, after my father and her father's middle names. Girls, we need to discuss, she wants Isabella, I'm not crazy about it.
*Better watch out.....picking out names.....that's how they start to trap ya! We held out for about as long as we could. Mom's 37 and Dad's 35. Figured any longer....and I'd be wheeled to the first t-ball game! With a great sense of common sense....we waited till we were sorta financially and emotionally ready....then 7 months into it....she...with the insurance and bigger income...got layed off! Boy....good thing we planned it! But.....I, being a remodeler, and She, being married to and living with a remodeler.....both knew that plans seldon work! Life is what happens when the best laid plans go to shit. Be sure to keep an eye out for an increase in Baby Name conversations! Jeff
*I know (I think) exactly what you're talking about. But we're a bit crowded right now in our house, just us and the 2 cats, add a baby and we would be cramped. So, that phase will probably wait until next house in 5 years or so. That would put us at 32+/-, still in a safe age range.I was thinking of over the holidays - her mom gave her "companion" a gift certificate to a Harley place. As he's going through the box, she had gotten him a t-shirt, model HD, calendar, gloves, he gets to the GC. He says "Cool, I can buy a nice jacket for this much." She says, "You can if you want to, but it's actually to go towards your down payment."
*Ah come on BH now i know who there talking to. :)
*Maybe when things go wrong we should start blaming Ron Budgell..........(-:
*Savannah was concieved in....Savannah, Charlotte was concieved in......Charlotte Motor Speedway.....Chance was concieved at Talladega.....BUT GODDAMMIT....MOM would'nt let me name him Talladega. I wanted a Daytona, a Richmond and a Bristol...but I got nipped before I got my dream.
*When I was 14 years old I read "Summer of the Monkeys" by Wilson Rawls. (Most of yoy know his other book better..."Where the Red Fern Grows".I said..."when I have a little boy I want to name him Jay Berry"Doggies... if I ain't got the neatest little guy named Jayberry Lynn Miller. Almost 3 and the light of my life...after his Mama of course. He knows it is Mama first, then Jayberry. They both rate pretty doggone high in my life.
*Boss, we don't want to be giving these people the wrong sort of ideas. The board was already Ron light even before your defection.
*...Ron B. ......You could call yourself Newf, and take the heat of me !!!......Peace......Happy New Year......n...
*Happy New Year, Newf. I was just listening to a record by the Incredible String Band. I'm sure you remember them. Haven't heard it in 30 years. They were such serious artists it's laughable now.Ron
Our story....early on we agreed...which was a first! If a girl....I wanted a long, pretty name......which could have a "cute" guy nick name....and Cath liked the name Samantha...which could become Sam....and that was the girl choice. The middle name "Lee"...after her Mom's middle name was picked. So...if a girl...Samantha Lee....
As you all know.....we had a boy....Corey Griffith....and the middle name was easy.....if her Mom's middle for a girl......my Dad's middle for a boy....and Griffith is his middle name.....which is also his Moms maiden name from Wales.
As for Corey.....he was one of my closest friends....from Toronto...that fell off the face of the earth about a week before our wedding. Luckily, Cath got to meet him once, for a long weekend, in person....and fell in love with him too! Corey Moss was a former T.O. kick boxing champion and had even been on the cover of Sports Illistrated when he was 16 or 17 yrs old. He was to come to Pgh for the wedding... he missed it....and that was the last I ever heard from/of him. With his lifestyle....he could have either been in jail or dead.....and enough years have passed that I'm thinking he'd have called for cig money by now......
He was a professional bouncer all over Toronto.....well paid, kinda famous, and always a target for a drunk that remembers his glory days. Needless to say....he was tough.....but he was also one of the sweetest guys I've ever come to know. And....one of the best friends a guy could ever hope for. I'm thinking he'll make for one hell of a guardian angle to watch over our little guy. To think of the combo of he and Cath's Mom watching from above.....discussing how things should be handled...well.....it'll get interresting!
Little Corey will have some pretty big boxing gloves to fill.....but if he at least tries....I'm sure Big Corey will approve.
I gotta stop typing now.....'cause I don't wanna short out the keyboard with tears!
....which would be one of Corey's first lesson to Corey....real men aren't afraid to cry.....sometimes. I love them both.
so.....what's yer story??? Jeff