Ok, I’m puzzled…looked at a remodel prospect today, couple’s teenage son took it out on the house, punching holes in the sheetrock with his fist in several rooms (about eighty holes). House was built in the early 1960’s. Standard brick ranch. In one wall between a bedroom and adjoining den, it was a standard 2×4 stud wall, but the bedroom side of the wall, under the sheetrock, was covered with horizontal tar paper, stapled to the studs. Just this one wall, no other wall in the house was like this. No insulation or anything, no additions to the house, no garage close-in, etc. Any ideas why this was done??
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The first thing that came to my mind was a feeble attempt at sound proofing.
But that thought comes from my pretty feeble mind.
I thought that too, but just didn't make sense, since there is a vent that connects the two rooms (two vents back to back, maybe for makeup/balance air?). Who would think (espec what carpenter would think) that a single layer of tar paper would add to the soundproofedness (?) of a sheetrock wall. Other interior wall backs up to a hallway, and no tar paper. Other 2 walls are exterior, also no tar paper.
Maybe a windbreak/sunshade for the framers for lunchtime naps?
Incidentally, this neighborhood was built by the same builder, over several years. Going down each block, one out of every four houses, (four, side-to-side, back to back) had a 12x16 garden shed in the back yard. One door, one window. Supposedly the builder built this first, then used it as jobsite office and tool storage as he built the next four houses surrounding it in the development. Whichever lot the office shed was on was the one that had a garden shed.
Only thing I can think of and its by no means real legit,
maybe at some point the house was renovated in the past and the tar paper was put up to temporarly block one room from the next, like if the one room was being finished and the studs were open the tarpaper could close off that room, and the builder just never took it down?
Like I said not real solid
But about this kid, 80 holes? Once I punched a hole in my parents drywall when I was about 11, but 80 holes, this kid may need help
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professional build the Titanic.
No idea on the tar paper. Used to have bad temper, punched plaster/lath walls when I was pre/early teen. By luck, punched once directly on center of a stud. Broke that habit real quick.If everything seems to be going well, you've obviously overlooked something.
He's getting help -- got a new white jacket, and a nice padded room. Seriously, I haven't seen him, he is off getting fixed.
he is off getting fixed
he he he, thats great but I don't see how him lossing his ..... is going to help,
Sorry couldn't resist.Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professional build the Titanic.
Oh......I'm thinking that'd calm his little a$$ down real quick!
That......and the electric "bark breaker" collar!!
..U think they take just one for the "first time offense".....or both?
JeffBuck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Fine Carpentery.....While U Waite
lmfao, probably just one, but I don't know eighty holes in a house, that could get pretty pricey.
Don't know for certain, but I assume he got through the first 80 before he hit a stud, you would think hitting one, he would have stopped,
I busted a toe once trying to kick through a wall I demoing "to get the drywall started" Don't kick walls with tennis shoes on....
Maybe 80 is the one that busted his hand?Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professional build the Titanic.
One or two holes is a bad temper.
Eighty holes is a psychotic episode. He wouldn't have known it if he had broken his paw - until the next day - when he started bragging about how much of an #### he was....
Excellence is its own reward!
In my younger years, I used to stop by this bar nearly every day after work for a beer. Knowing I was a builder, the owner asked me to patch a hole in the drywall in the men's room, where some macho guy had obviously punched a hole with this fist. I did this 3 times, always in the same spot. The 4th time, I cut a little larger piece out of the sheetrock and screwed a piece of sheetmetal to the studs before replacing the drywall. Next time I came by, there was a little indentation in the wall where Mr. Macho had punched his fist. Never did see the cast, though.
I think this might answer the tar paper question. The snake got away and they didn't need to finish his custom design room.