spray back side of post formed formica

putting on about 5 ft of post formed formica (formica already attached to its base wood), is there any downside to trynig to seal the base “wood”–say with spray varnish? the countrertop will be used in an office lab and I want to keep water away from the formica’s wood base- And how seal the edges???
There's no downside to it at all
Use clear sealer or paint. What edges are you talking sealing? the edge of the buildup? You could do what I do on the edge of drop in sink cutouts. Run a bead of decent caulk, smoosh it out with a finger filling all the pores or even a putty knife. Clean up the slop.
Yeah, I would seal any exposed (fiberboard?) substrate, along the front edge and along any cutouts for sinks. Especially important to seal the underside front near sinks and above dishwashers or any other humidity generator.
For sealer I'd probably use brush-on varnish. Try to keep it off the Formica, of course.
I don't see a need to seal the main underside area, unless there's something under there making humidity.
Sealing or finishing?
DanH provided good advice on sealing edges of sink cut outs, etc.
If you are asking how to finish exposed ends -- the supplier of the post formed counter top sells end finishing kits which are precut pieces of the same color Formica as the top. They have a hot melt adhesive on the back side -- applied with a clothes iron and then router cut, filed and/or sanded to an exact fit after attachment to the counter.