Here are two photos of an outbuilding I built recently in a rural area of Central Texas. The husband wanted a storage structure and protection for their well pump. The wife wanted a building to overwinter her plants, as well as a place to grow vines and display her “Mr. Fish” wind vane. The 10 x 12 buildiing has a skylight, greenhouse window and multi-pane entry door; it is also insulated, paneled and built on slab. 40% or so of the materials were recycled and/or purchased from the Habitat RE store in Austin. [email protected]
Edited 7/16/2003 8:06:11 AM ET by none
That's a good looking shed. Especially like the fish.
Where in Austin is the habitat center, someone was talking about it but didn't know where it was.
Went back and looked at some of your pics on your site, nice stuff there.
Also I heard of a place that sells old architectual trim and stuff, happen to know where that is?
Edited 7/16/2003 8:37:27 PM ET by Doug@es
Edited 7/16/2003 8:37:52 PM ET by Doug@es