Straps for plumbing vent holes in trimmer studs

Framed a 4′ kitchen window above kitchen sink. In order to vent the drain cut 2″ hole thru trimmer and jack studs (or whatever you call them), so to protect the 1.5″ black ABS vent pipe can I just use 2 2″ nail plates or does it require simpson st-22 straps? Asking here before I email city inspector.
Nail Plates of the correct coverage........
but, and I've seen this happen-they might jump on the fact you've cut out the meat of what's holding up the header.
Best of luck.
I think the hole is too big. I assume you had to do the same at the top wall plates also. We often are allowed to install an "air emittance valve", or comonly called a "studor" vent in the sink cabinet to eliminate the venting challenge you are facing..
Our local inspector doesn't allow AAV's, except in very extreme circumstances. Just because the drain is under a window wouldn't do it.
Sure seems like there should be one code for this based on loading analysis of the king/trimmer studs, i read 40% removal, 60%, why is there so much confusion, seems like it's pretty basic calc for a structural eng??
It could be simple if every installation were the same. The code requirements assume full loading, but that's not always the case.
In your example, the studs might be loaded fully or not. Are the studs carrying a load from a floor and roof above? If so, there's a substantial load. Or are there roof trusses above that run parallel to the wall, thereby reducing the load significantly? Etc, etc.
A well-informed and reasonable inspector will consider things like these in making the call. Or, you might get one that goes stricly by the book.
Top plates
Yes, I cut thru the 2 top plates, 2 " hole, inspector said had to put 2 simpson st-22 straps with lots ofnails,wonder if drywall guys will glue the drywall in that area?
They won't glue it and there'll be a hump for as long as the strap is.