Structural Posts Out Island Bahamas quikrete help
Wonderful expert at unnamed large box home store reassured me that I should try the fabulous quikrete no mix concrete for my structural posts (despite many questions I was convinced) – being without my usual internet to question I actually trusted dude…Of course I wouldn’t be writing on here if I was still convinced that was indeed the case! I however now have a vast amount of the mix free 50lb quikrete bags that can’t be returned and are otherwise a complete waste of money. Is there any redemption possible? The psi shows 4000lbs at end of 28 days which seems same as all others..but I am in hurricane zone and so.. my posts are 20’ 8”x8” and hole is 4.5’ deep – 22” wide. Could I premix with water and use as ‘regular’ quikrete? Could I add some Portland cement… or am I needing to be reduced to rather terrible profanity, drinking copious stiff drinks and throwing thousands of dollars away before waiting another month to get new supplies? Of course it was soooo worth the extra money I paid per bag … doh.
Please – someone help! With enormous thanks in advance and stiff drink on standby –
As you found out the clerks at the big box stores are not construction experts!
It's very hard to reach specific strengths with any bag mix as the mixing techniques and amount of water added can be haphazard. I see no reason why you couldn't carefully mix what you have the regular way and have a good result. Use exactly the specced amount of water and make sure you keep pouring a post until it's done. I'd keep a vibrating sander or something like it going on the form all the time. Bag mix is bad for getting voids in the mix.
Do you have time to make a test pour?
There will probably be terrible profanity no matter what you do but the right amount of stiff drinks should smooth the way!
Let us know how it turns out
Also, what island are you on? I think they got an old mixer truck on MOW