Tapping into a run of recessed can lights

howdy all, i’m brain cramping on this one …..i think!
i have a run of can lights (2) and switch that goes sequentially:
power (from circuit breaker) – can light – can light – switch
can i tap off the 2nd can to run a dead-end set of two more cans….in other words, they wont be “in line” with the others on the circuit, but off to the side forming one leg of a “T” shape?
thanks in advance, i appreciate it.
thanks, i feel silly, don't know why the thought of that made me question myself. :)
The problem might be box size. There may not be enough room in the box on the can. If you have access from the top you can add a J box
thank you,
plenty of room, and the joist bays are open!
You need to make your connection to the same two wires that are feeding the light you tap off of. There may be a 3 or even 4-wire cable running through the box., but ignore the other wires.