If any of you computer experts (I’m not), knows how to include a file in a post, please let me know. I’ll email you the current draft of The Process revison (PDF file) to include in a post here. Others can then print it and modify it for their own use.
I also have a program to change it to another file if needed. Just let me knoe. JPG, GIF,etc.
*Allyson, I'll email you now the one I just finished. It's 10 pages, plus the Cover Letter which is a separate file, cause I forget to start with it as the first page.I plan to put them in a binder and send them to the client before the first meeting or sales call.Thank You.
*Here are Sonny's new versions. Thank you Sonny. I am continually learning from you. I consider myself a good craftsman, but lack alot as a good business person. I have practically worked for free in the past. (Not anymore). I haven't been charging low prices for about 6 months now. It makes it alot easier to run a professional business. Thanks again Sonny. There's so more I could learn from you too. I appreciate everything.
*Sonny,In looking over your process, I was wondering how you handle product selections. This is one area where I need to improve. I never get all the selections done before the start of the job and rely on the customer to visit various showrooms to make selections. Generally I am not with them to guide them and expedite the process. Some customers breeze through it and others are afraid to make a decision. I do not have an office outside my home for them to come to, work in a fairly rural area with limited suppliers both of which reduce my ability to streamline selections. I would appreciate any advice.Tom
*Billy?.........Sonny?........I'm having trouble opening the file.I've tried opening the file in Billy's post #4 & #5.What am I doing wrong?Thanks
*Do you have Adobe Acrobat Reader Mark?Billy
*Yes sir!
*Does that work to open it?Billy
*No, it keeps saying it can't read "script(9)"
*Mark,I sent them by e-mail. Tell me if you can open them from your hard drive. I zipped them to take less time (make them smaller). If you don't have WinZip or similar program, tell me so I can send them again without zipping them.Billy
*Thanks Billy. I'll let ya know.......
*Nope, our Winzip ain't zipping.
*Guys, push comes to shove, I'll "shove" the pages in the FAX. Just post or email me your Fax number(s).Also, I have MacLinkPlus which converts Mac files into PC files. I'll see if converting them to PC Word leaves the format in decent shape. Then we can put in an attachment as a Word file. I thnk most of you guys use PCs and Word. Fingers XXXX
*Didn't work. Lost of of it's formatting, so we'll have to go with the FAX if you can't open Allyson's post.Sorrrrry.
*Allyson wrote "It makes it alot easier to run a professional business."How true, and the pay is better also. Took me so many years to learn that I'm embarassed.Tom, slection is a problem in our industry, and is why I mentioned "timely" selections in The Process. We us allowances a lot, but have learned to make those allowances high. Assuming 3 bathroom faucets at $150 each doesn't work when they pick out $300 faucets, or worse $700 faucets. We all have to remember the "economic" status of each individual customer, and price allowances accordingly. So far, no problem expcept for the occasional job where we allow say $20,000 for kitchen cabinets and they pick our $35,000 cabinets. Tom give a rough ball park for free - say $170,000 to $200,000. Then when the final lprice comes in at $212,000 and they say, or whine, "But you said originally....................?" so tom pulls out their our his copy of the original quote that has listed $25,000 for cabinets - and you picked out $30,000 for cabinets, I allowed $1200 for floor tile but you picked out porcelain tile at $2200, and so forth. Then he hears. "Ohhhh. Sorry Tom. I guess we went overboard." "Well thats OK. Lets go with what we picked out." You have to denote exactly what those allowance are, not only to cover your rear end, but to also prevent, if possible, an embarrassing situation for the client. LIke Bush and China, we try to allow them to save face, if possible.Face, smace, as long as they sign on the line, eh? We can be just as diplomatic as politicians, right? Now that I type about it, we ARE politicians. Just one more attribute added to the long list of the accomplishments of a good contractor. Mmmmmm. Diplomats also, eh? Add another 2% to the price!
*Mark, I sent them uncompressed. Tell me how it went.Billy
*In order to open the file (or any PDF file) you must have the Adobe Acrobat program installed on your computer and use it to view the file. The file is available for free as a download from the Adobe website (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html). Tom
*Sonny,You have done a great job with your additions to the process. As always you are true mentor in this crazy world we all work in! Thanks for sharing.I don't post here much but know Sonny from our posts at the old RO site. I have to tell you all that changing our business to this format a couple years ago has allowed us to "get our life back". No more running all over town completing bids on projects for people shopping around. The proposals we complete are 99% sure to get a signed construction contract. Only had 2 NOT build their projects in 2 years! Pretty good odds. Sending out the information prior to your first meeting with them sets the stage and allows the client to become familiar with this different way of doing business. No suprises and they know clearly up front what they get for free and what they get for a FEE.Just my little testamonial to Sonny's unending dedication and help provided to others in the business! Thanks to Sonny and others that care enough to share their experience. You can charge what your worth and make money in this business without killing yourself!Take good care!Candi
*The "attachment" Allyson posted at 3:05 PM yseterday is the old "The Process". The new one he originally posted at 3:02 PM is current - 10 pages. I must have initially emailed Allyson the old one my mistake. We send The Process with a cover letter, which I'll email to him to post as another attachment. The letter sort of sets the tone and purpose of The Process. Anyway, you can create your own cover letter and use it as I did to also market yourself.Candi, thanks. Next time I see you I owe you "and" Troy a big hug. Miss you two!
*Duh! I just noticed the word "Attachment" at the bottom of this posting box. This is just to see if I've done it right, AND if it can be opened.
*It works Sonny. Good job.Billy
*Thanks Billy. Can't let you young guys get to ahead of this computer stuff on me. And another thanks for posting those files for me.Some people even after reading The Process may still have anxieties or apprehension about us charging a fee for the SCA so I'm working up a list for Tom who does all of the selling, designing and CAD work on Chief Architect.This way, at his first meeting with them he can leave a check list in more detail of what will transpire from then on. For example, the list will include the next steps Tom does with rough hours per item, and list items for the owner to do. List will include meeting with and obtaining getting pricing from each sub and the typical stuff we go thru, to be checked off as is done. One copy for the owner and ane for Tom.For the owner's list for example, since our niche is remodels in high rise condos, the owner will have to check with their condo Board to see if the association owns a set of the original prints. Most do. For the owner to contact their home owners insurance company agent to advise them of the impending project and the added value to the unit. The owner thinking about product selections by trade - each trade listed separately. Trim, doors, under carpentry. Faucets, accessories in the baths, cabinetry, etc.It can act as a guide for them as wel as a reminder, while from our side of the equation it will give them further insight of what we go thru on our end.Anyway, it's something else to consider.Then when talking to them on the phone, we can just refer to Item #3 for example while discussing faucets or baseboard - wherever that item comes under on the list. I'm going to include room for notes and a check box under a column labled "Done", and another labled "?" if there's a queston or two.I think it will also exemplify (market) our organizational capacities and professionalism. People like that.
*Hey Sonny!Hugs back at ya! One for Barb Too! We have implemented a checklist of sorts, as well, to further detail the items that are completed as part of the agreement. It has really opened peoples eyes as to the amount of things that go into getting a fixed cost and a well organized project. I'll see if it will attach here. Take good careCandi
*Couldn't open it Candi. Maybe someone else can.So, what we're learning about our clients is that, lo and behold, they're like us. That is, they want to know - in advance - what they're being asked to pay for when we require a fee for a SCA. Furthermore, in explaining to them what they are paying for - via The Process or something like it - these potential clients are also learning exactly what does go into creating that SCA, the tremendous "profession time" expended, and the "benefits" to them as clients, upon completion.It's called "differential" value, as opposed to "utility" or "preferrencial" value.Fair enough, and a check is written.Whoa. This is a whole new ball game, and a whole new direction in our industry. What the.....! Getting paid for Proposals? By God, we're beginning to climb out of the trench of the Triassic era and entering, finally, into that era of Modern Man.Now if we can continue to climb and keep from slipping back, what other pleasant surprises, and profits, await us?
*Sonny,I e-mailed it so you could maybe open it easier from your hard drive. Use Microsoft Word to open it. It is a doc file.Billy
*Billy, I just got it and opened it. Thanks.Candi, at a quick glance, I like it - a lot. Will delve into it tonight while Barb whines about wanting to go out for dinner. "DINNER! Barb; how can to talk about dinner? Can't you see what I'm holding in my hand is part of a revolution we've got going on here?" I don't believe it, two more feet out of the trench. Candi, mind if I modify it for our own use? I just showed it to Pete, and he said he really likes it a lot, also. Looks like a winner - one more important tool.
*Candi, I just read it close. As Tony would say, "It's Grrrrrreat! Your corporate background shows.What we're doing here reminds me of a recent article about Amazon.com and why the author, and I, love Amazon so much. They "anticipate" their customer's questions and answer them before they're asked. Like the Magnavox ad said: "Smart. Very smart!"That philosophy saves Amazon, and us, one heck of a lot of time, confusion, and upset clients besides differenciating ourselves as pros from the rest.FORE! Competitors look out! We're coming through.
*Excellent Candi.Sonny, I wasn't able to open your Mac version. Actually it opens, but it's not decoded. Question: who's version of "The Process" is better, yours or Candi's?Does anyone know of a PC program that decodes Sonny's file?blue
*Blue, actually, Candi's is something that would be covered with the client after they are ready to sign on the dotted line. It's both additonal info plus a checklist as I mentioned I wanted to create for Tom. What word processor do you use? I'll see if I can convert mine to yours. I can convert it to Word or Word Perfect and several others.
*Blue, just tried to email to you but both came back. Send me an email so I can use the "Reply" button to send you the converted files for The Process. I did on in Word and another in Word Perfect.
*Hello,Glad you liked it! By all means use what you like! I'd rather see all of us on a level playing field than the way it works many times today. That's what these forums are all about. Sharing and Learning! The inital process (similar to Sonny's, actually ALOT like Sonny's. Who do you think got this whole thing started! haha) is sent to the client in our positioning package PRIOR to the first meeting with the client. That package includes the Process/ Client, buisness, Trade and supplier references/A message from the owners/ Information on services we provide etc. We also include a checklist for what ever type of project they are proposing. That checklist might be for kitchens, basements etc. It helps them to think about many of the items we will need to start the process. Then at the initial meeting we do the usual sales call. Part of that call is a "Ballpark of costs" within a range. We talk about the "Design, Cost Analysis and Specification" agreement and the process that employs. They start to see the bigger picture that will get them the "fixed" costs for their project. This printed process is left with them for further review and to guide them through the next step of the process. When I get the positioning packages reprinted I will include this piece in that as well so they have all the informaion initially for their review. I think the key to using the processes are to stay consistant with your printed material. Can't tell you how many clients are impressed with the level of detail and professionalism it creates. Sonny I'll be interested to see what you come up with in your version. You always have great ideas! The brain power that is in these forums can change the industry one step at a time!Take good care all!Candi
*Wanted to let you know that we use a process for those clients that already have plans. Basically is the same process but deletes the reference to our association with the drawings and replaces it with the owners responsibility to get the information to us. It references all the drawings/information we will need from their architect to proceed with this phase of the process. Since they typically have already done the specification work and detailed the finishes we don't include that. If they don't have finishes and need assistance we provide that service for a fee of $65 per hour under this type of agreement. These don't happen very often since most of the architects here encourage the bidding wars and put the plans out to several contractors. We don't participate in those. Has proven to be a waste of time for the most part due to the fees charged for the service we offer on a project. Take good careCandi
*i Excellent Candi. as blue states....bravo....near the stream with a beaut of a download...opened right into Word!aj
*Sonny, thanks for sending "The Process" through the email to me. It opened in Word. One problem however: pages 2 thru 10 are blank. Page 11 picks up and appears to be a closing statementi "Well, we hope that we have explained “The Process” to your satisfaction while we’re also sure that this may still leave you with additional questions."Is there anyone here that can post it or email it that has it compatible for Word?TIA, blue
*Sonny, could you email The Process to me?Julie
*Made some minor changes and corrections and typed it in Windows Office 2000 Word, so all you PC users can open it.
*CandiWould you send me your copy of your "Process"? Thank You in advance.Walter L. [email protected]
If any of you computer experts (I'm not), knows how to include a file in a post, please let me know. I'll email you the current draft of The Process revison (PDF file) to include in a post here. Others can then print it and modify it for their own use.