Thingy-ma-jigs and whatcha-ma-call-its
I had a good friend helping me on the house earlier this week and he had one of these on his truck.
He and his brother-in-law came up with the idea for lifting air conditioners onto an apartment roof they were working on and now they can’t keep up with the demand for orders. You know what they say about necessity being the mother of all inventions.
As many thingy-ma-jigs and whatcha-ma-call-its as we put together in this industry it makes me wonder how many gold mine ideas are never cashed in. It might be worth lifting the cushion on that great idea you’ve been sitting on to see if there is any loose change under there.
Kevin Halliburton
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.” – Solomon