Hi All,
First off I apologize for posting here and in the General Discussion. I wasn’t sure how or where to post at first.
I’m pulling out my hair over the base trim of a curved wall. My trim is a 1″x6″ pine board with a router line about 1″ from the top. A separate 1″ bullnose caps (just nailed) to the top of the board and a 1″ base shoe is at the bottom. It looks really good throughout the house except on the curved wall. The trim carpenter cut the 1″x7″ and the top bullnose in small 2 1/2″ pieces to make the curve. No matter how I sand, fill, etc., each line shows when it’s stained.
I think he could have possibly cut relief type lines in the back of the 1 x 7 and maybe made the curve. However, I don’t know what he could have done with the 1″ bullnose. He had the tiny pieces glued and nailed when I saw it for the first time.
The wall makes a 90 degree turn in about 7′.
I’ve also heard of soaking the boards and then bending them.
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Thanks so much.
If you've got time, bandsaw two pieces of trim that are the approximate length.
Slice the boards into 1/8" thick slabs. Maybe thinner, depends on how wiggly the wood is. You'll need to use two boards to get the original thickness, since the blade will remove 1/16" or so each time you cut. Glue and clamp on a form, voila. You can do this with the bullnose cap as well, just cut at the right thicknesses to maintain the profile, I.E. the first board is cut, then the second is cut to compensate for the saw kerf.
( your logo here) Turtleneck
( your logo here) Turtleneck
We typically kerf the back of the flat piece. Be sure that your kerfs are evenly spaced or you will get humps. If its going to be painted then two layers of 3/8 MDF might make the bend. For the bullnose base cap on a radius that small you will have to laminate thin strips and then mill the bullnose.
I hate to see when someone nails up a bunch of short blocks like that to make a radius.
Soaking won't work - tried that several times.
Steaming might work but I've never tried it.