Building a large deck with a tile surface and closed joists underneath. Location is Rochester, NY and snow accumulation is a concern. A neighbor of mine has a heated driveway and I thought it would be great if we could do the same for the deck. Am I out of my mind?
I guess it depends
on how many BTUs you can afford to throw at the night sky.
Check out
There they detail how to make a simple solar collector the heats water for a pool. It uses the sun to heat the water and a solar cell to run the pump while the sun is heating the water. Something similar would work for you.
I don't think it would take a lot of energy to keep the deck above freezing if there were insulation under the tile. Not too crazy in Rochester.
You'd be out of your mind in Rochester, MN, but don't know about Rochester, NY.
Rochester NY, not terribly cold, but gets outlandishly huge lake effect sonwfalls.