I’d like to bring this one back from the grave. I have a similiar situation. Only I am building over an existing deck . I was just wondering about Insulation. Wondering about making it too tight not tight enough?
Thinking plywood underdeck joists, elastomeric caulk around the bottom of each joist bay tyvek in each joist bay, Fiberglass insulation, then subfloor. Any input would be much appreciated
Where there’s A wheel there’s a way, got any wheels?
Edited 7/7/2003 8:47:06 PM ET by MuleSkinner
I will be building a screen porch/sun room addition in the near future. Owners want masonry floor. Okay, but they don't want to enclose the perimeter foundation(i.e. pier and grade beam with block). I wanted to do a concrete slab as a cost efficient way of establishing the floor. They are concerned about the addition depleting a nearby post oak tree's water supply to root system and think it better to not enclose foundation. I,m seeking suggestions as to how to provide for a stable deck/substrate for a quarry tile floor, 14' x 40' partially in finished space and partially in screen porch. I want the floor to be a single plane if possible. I,m worried about using a traditional framed and plywood(double layer) plus tile underlayment floor system because of temperature variations causing expansion and contraction. Ideas?
I'd like to bring this one back from the grave. I have a similiar situation. Only I am building over an existing deck . I was just wondering about Insulation. Wondering about making it too tight not tight enough?
Thinking plywood underdeck joists, elastomeric caulk around the bottom of each joist bay tyvek in each joist bay, Fiberglass insulation, then subfloor. Any input would be much appreciated
Where there's A wheel there's a way, got any wheels?
Edited 7/7/2003 8:47:06 PM ET by MuleSkinner
if the bottom is all in the same plane, just nail the plywood to the bottom and blow the joist bays with dens-pak cellulose thru the band joist
Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
the floor will need to be framed any way. Its on an existing deck. atached to a foundation wall thats only a crawl space. so I can get in from the top. I figured on the plywood underneath. 2 x 10's i am not sure yet. Not to big a deal i just want to know about moisture concerns and how much insulation should. I use? I figured on Batts. Unless there is somthing better.Where there's A wheel there's a way, got any wheels?