I was up flying today and took this picture. It clearly shows the tornado path just going to the right of my stairshop. The path runs from the upper left to the lower right. You can see most of the big trees to the right of this path are down. Most to the left survived. Had that path directly hit my stairshop…I doubt I would have been typing this.
You can see the addition to my shop and the lane winding around to the new back entrance.
Heres how I feel having escaped this destruction and flying over it.
I guess mother nature has an appreciation for fine stairbuilding!
Stan, nice to see the gyro made it out of the shop! By the by, does the gyro have a name?
On a related note:
They don't have it listed yet, but rumor has it they might have the Blue Angels this year.
Did you ever call the Wood-Mizer guy in to turn some of that tornado damage into lumber?
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
Edited 3/14/2005 1:06 pm ET by JohnT8
John: The logs aregoing to be taken to a sawmill soon. There are about 70 trees I am getting removed.
I am planning on flying to that airshow...That would be cool to see the Blue Angels there.