I built this curved stairway a few years ago. It was the toughest I ever had to build….due to the inside curb stringer having a changing radius that went down to an extremely tight 13 in. radius. I used off the shelf bending rail, but never had bent any tighter than a 22 inch radius, and that was tough enough.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and I came up with a way to make the handrail with regular bending rail….without steaming. I wont reveal my technique, as it took me a lot of work to figure out how.
NIc. Long time, no
Long time, no see. Still flying?.
Copying pic ans pasting over at BT3.
Technique guess: hot air gun?
Junkhound.....I sold my helicopter 3 years ago. My wife rests better and I am actually more relaxed. It was an awesome machine to fly, but too many parts that if just one failed, no more stairways by Stan!.
I did use a heatgun , but it was a combination of a few other things that ended up all working together.
Looks great. Worth the time and effort.
That is one incredible build!
It is a lovely work of art and I congratulate you on the effort. Would you care to reveal cost? Is this beaut installed on the job? The walls will stay, or do you intend to remove them? From one artist to another: congratulations!
That is Stans shop.
Reminds me of the 'miraculous staircase' in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Did you build it?