Has anyone seen this post hidden away in the “Content Policy” forum?
b “Jay Odell – 09:36am Mar 1, 2001 EST
As a former carpenter, contractor and current subscriber to Fine Home Building, I feel that this is an issue that anyone in the building, remodeling or restoration industry needs to become aware of.
What is it? Some of the black molds we encounter during construction produce mycotoxins or pathogens. Which may be a threat to human health.
Some lawers believe that this will be a bigger issue then asbestos.”
I can see new legislation on the horizon. As soon as one person successfully sues their contractor for illness from mold spores disturbed during construction, or caused by moisture related to construction, Pandora’s box will open up.
Might be a good clause to inculde in our contracts.
Jay, it already has opened up in Houston,Texas.
*"California Lawyer" May, 2001...Page 19..."Think Mold-It's the next new thing in toxic tort litigation.""Now that asbestos litigation has just about run it's course, what is shaping up to be the next big wave in toxic torts?" Where is that wood working lawyer when you need him?
Has anyone seen this post hidden away in the "Content Policy" forum?
b "Jay Odell - 09:36am Mar 1, 2001 EST
As a former carpenter, contractor and current subscriber to Fine Home Building, I feel that this is an issue that anyone in the building, remodeling or restoration industry needs to become aware of.
What is it? Some of the black molds we encounter during construction produce mycotoxins or pathogens. Which may be a threat to human health.
Some lawers believe that this will be a bigger issue then asbestos."
I can see new legislation on the horizon. As soon as one person successfully sues their contractor for illness from mold spores disturbed during construction, or caused by moisture related to construction, Pandora's box will open up.
Might be a good clause to inculde in our contracts.