I have a 13 foot cargo craft enclosed trailer that has literally changed my life for the better. I want to insure it and its contents because I have it stuffed with tools. My agent says that I can insure the trailer but not the contents. I can insure the contents if they are in my shop but not while they are in my trailer, (does not make sense to me).
How do you guys insure your belongings in the trailer?
On your contractors liability policy, buy a tool ryder.
i don't work out of a trailer so i can't really answer how to insure it.
have you checked into a locater that is installed on the trailer and if someone steals it they can locate it to the exact location? i know a guy that has a lawnmower shop,they all sit out side [these are all big zero turns] chain together,except one. he "forgets to chain it" it has a locator on it. been stolen 3 times,before the thief gets home ,the cops are already following him waiting for him to stop and unload.as soon as the mower hits the ground they come in and arrest him. it's almost hilarous. he has the alarm company call him anytime that tractor moves after closing.larry
if a man speaks in the forest,and there's not a woman to hear him,is he still wrong?
I think you can insure the contents with a commercial policy. You will have to detail every tool and apply a value to it and the policy price will reflect the total value. There are also policies called inland marine which insure against vandalism and damage to the pricier pieces of equipment.
Tool rider on my business insurance policy.
Bit spendy but in the event of a major theft well worth it.
I don't use a trailer, I have a 12' box van that I often leave on sites.
I do the same as Frammer52..... add a tool rider to your liability policy. It was cheaper than I imagined it would be, but you do need to keep a detailed list of your gear. I use digital pics of the plates with serial numbers to help keep it all straight.
Look into a trailer security system too. Off the top of my head I know of Trailer Dog and the Dewalt system. I think the Dewalt system is a better one as it's more of a whole system as opposed to just a trailer alarm. In the very least, add a couple of tiny flashing battery powered LED bulbs near the doors. Those flashing red LEDs are the biggest theft deterrent going. Scumbags assume that they indicate an active alarm and move on to easier pickings. And buy a Gorilla Lock for the tongue so nobody drives off with the whole shooting match on your.... they're cheap and effective.
If I'm going to be on a frame for a couple months and decide to leave the trailer (it's gotta be the right neighborhood) then I'll sometimes pull all the tires off and leave it on blocks.