If you wanna design a truss, this is an online java app that will give you a pretty good idea of the critical load paths, etc.
Kinda fun, too!
Troy Sprout
Square, Level & Plumb Renovations
If you wanna design a truss, this is an online java app that will give you a pretty good idea of the critical load paths, etc.
Kinda fun, too!
Troy Sprout
Square, Level & Plumb Renovations
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I would seriously consider placing a disclaimer on that webpage before some nut goes using it, and then has a [legal] problem therein.
Truss Designer
Give this app a try as well:
View Image[img]http://design.medeek.com/images/misc/trusscalc24.jpg[/img]
So you found a 7 year old thread to reply to in order to spam us about your website?
Just FYI - Your design methodology is grossly outdated.
Outdated Methodology
The method I am using is coming straight from the ANSI TPI 1-2007 standard, using matrix analysis to determine mid panel and panel point moments. I'm not sure how it is outdated?