I’ve never posted pictures before and I enjoy looking at other peoples work so I thought I’d post a job I just finished. The wood is maple with a walnut stain, the customer designed the project and everything was built to their specs. The walk-in has 2 more drawer banks but my 35mm wouldn’t let me get close enough. I apologise for the lighting, I used my floodlights instead of a flash.
We had a heavy frost the other night and the waning moon was hanging high in the blue sky, it was getting low by the time I reloaded the camera but it’s still a nice shot.
( your logo here) Turtleneck
Congrats to you for nice work and entry to Breaktimes Photo Journal Literary Guild.
Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
The other...proper application of risk.
Thanks, I didn't know there was a Literary Guild. I hope the meeting isn't Wednesday. I'm busy Wednesday( your logo here) Turtleneck
I love those posts, very nice detail
turtleneck.. i loved the backyard.. great !
the other ones , nice woodwork/ building... but your lighting isn't doing justice to your work... i'm not enough of a photographer to analyze it.. but the yellow cast is comming from something....
anyways, keep 'em comming
Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore