Just started trimming out a room with ~five inch base and 3 inch oak casing but two questions remain:
1. Does the base butt against the plinth block’s face when it meets in the corner, I included a picture,
2.The other door in the room has only 1.5 inches on the hinge side for the 3 inch casing. I originally was going to case it in 2 &1/4 inch casing and rip it down a “bit” on that side but I switched to 3 inch casing and forgot about this door. Other than using the smaller width casing on the other door (small room ~ 10 x 10) does anyone have any other ideas.
For the base/plinth-
If the plinth goes all the way to the side wall-butt the base where it hits the flat of the plinth-cope the top part of the base into the decorative part (upper) of the plinth.
On the narrow casing-you have little or no choice-rip the casing down to tight fit the wall it butts into. The head pc of casing will have the tip clipped short (to match up with the width of the side casing. Use the short point number to cut the mitre of the head casing. Measure over to the wall from that short point and cut the tip of the casing to fit.
I have done this once-maybe twice-use the full width of the casing but mitre rip it and join it so it wraps around in the corner. It could look goofy, maybe less goofy than a thin rip of casing..................for sure it will suggest-who the hell put that door that close to that wall.
trim tips
Hello Calvin:
Appreciate the advice again. On the trim on the door I may just fir out the jamb on narrow side. If it is not done twice it's not done right.
Thank you
trim questions
Thanks Mark I appreciate the advice.
FaVer recommendation
Hello Mark:
Just got to your post and thanks the products look great.