Tying deck band to masonry columns
Hello, I’ve constructed some masonry columns out of 12” column block to support a porch wrapping the house I’m building. My design is based on this fhb article https://www.finehomebuilding.com/membership/pdf/5410/021212038.pdf?fhb_sid=VDAxRlJFRmZTVVE5TVRFeU9ERXlOemd4TWlaWFVGOUpSRDB4T1RNME9EZ21WRmxRUlQxdFpXMWlaWEltZEdsdFpYTjBZVzF3UFRFM01ESXpNRFV6T1RnPXwxNzAyMzA1Mzk5&fhb_token=ba1c803ad7df8e435d65eb2a8539d162
the porch band illustrated in the article is sitting on a stack of 2x fastened to a post base. I’d like to figure out a way to fasten my band directly to the masonry column.
so far this is the only thing I have found and it’s ridiculously expensive https://www.strongtie.com/columncapsforcmuandconcretepiers_masonryconnectors/cctqm_cap/p/cctqm
any experience with something like this? TYIA
You can put the double band (really a beam) into a column base. You can use some plywood if needed to make up any difference in thickness to match the dimensions of the column base.
But this means making the correct elevation when you place the hardware.