I have a question regarding type B gas vent.
I have an old Van-Packer stack that is probably asbestos. A stencil on it says type B vent. It currently is hooked up to the atmospheric vent of my HWH. I imagine it at one time also vented a furnace back in the day.
One of the HWHs I am considering buying is an induced draft and their technical specs require a double wall type B.
My question: was type B vent always double wall, even back in 1968? Or is the asbestos layer acting as the insulator similar to today’s type B outer layer? Any reason to think that my Van-Packer stack would NOT be equal to today’s type B if mine isn’t double wall pipe?
Rheem won’t specifically answer my question of wether an old type B like mine is acceptable for their equipment.
Just a blanket statement of type B double wall metal pipe required.
Asbestos in pipe insulation is some of the most dangerous. If the coated surface is torn (like the picture shows) the friable interior insulation is released. Please don't consider re-using that pipe and abate it instead.
I suspect that old pipe is just as good at insulating and preventing fire as a new pipe, just that lung cancer to worry about.
Thanks for the reply. I assume it is asbestos but don’t know for a fact.
From what is visible in the attic, it is all in good shape from what I can tell.
The tear that you’re seeing might be a stain.
I’ll look at it more closely though.