I was stapling away yesterday when my Stanley-Bostitch T40S2 1″ crown stapler started leaking air around the trigger area, slowly at first, then full bore. I downloaded the manual for it which shows a couple of O-rings around the valve (attachment).
I’m not sure these are the problem since i’ve never lost an air gun before. I was wondering in the much-vaster experience of Breaktimers if this is a normal weak link, or should i be looking elsewhere?
I also need to figure out how to get it apart, since taking off the top didn’t get me anywhere i needed to go to do a visual inspection of the rings. It looks like three small pins hold the trigger assembly in, which looks like it needs to be removed to get to the valve, also held in with a pin. Do i just tap these out or does this require the Special Tool for $49 to keep from breaking something?
BTW, i rented a Senco stapler to finish the job off. I wouldn’t need a full hand to count the number of times my Bostitch has jammed during the last 15 years, but the Senco jammed three times in the final square of shingles. Though the Senco jams are much easier to clear, it made me even more partial to repairing Old Yeller, if possible.
You guys don't fix your own tools????
You need the whole trigger assembly. No fixee them innards. About 20 bucks for mine IIRC. Is it the green part?. If so, that is one chunk of guts, no need to strip out the other rings unless ya think ya want to do all at once.
I'm supposing it must be the valve, the "green part", only because it looks most plausible, but i have no experience with how these things fail to know any better. The parts page shows discete parts, and the O-rings are about $3 together. How do you get the pins out?
If ya don't have a set of pin punches, just use a finish nail a tad smaller. Then use the first pin to drift the next one out just a smidge, and plier-ize them out. I am sure thay are roll pins, so DO NOT bury the punch in side the hollow of the pin, finish nail head just large enough to cover the outer edge of the pin.5 min. fix...max.
Thanks, i'll do that. I just needed to be sure i wouldn't break something since they are a bit snug...yeah, i tried 'em already with a nail set and no movement. I'll get a bigger hammer... <G>