Uneven roof pitches and cornice returns
Hi everyone! I’m in dire need of your guys’ help. Our architect (who has left our newly designed house with a bevy of problems) designed our house with two 6:12 gables above the garage and laundry room and one 10:12 gable above the entry way. On top of the visual discord, this is also going to create some pretty serious drainage issues where the roof peaks meet the rest of the house. I wasn’t bothered by it at first, but now the difference is really starting to get to me. We ended our relationship with the architect as he refused to offer help to resolve the many mistakes he made. As of now, the whole house will be done in Hardishake shingles (so no clapboard as shown in rendering). I’m looking for ways to possibly resolve this visually without going back and rebuilding the pitches so they look the same. One idea I had was to sort of blend roof styles by doing the two roof peaks on the left (the lower pitches) with a full cornice return across the entirely of the gable (right above the garage doors, for example), and making doing a smaller cornice return on the porch entry. The picture below describes this visually better than I can verbally. Any help would be SO appreciated. Thank you.​
IMO you are proposing more inconsistency to hide a gable inconsitency.
Having different gable ends will (again IMO) be much more noticable then the pitch change above the entry. If its the pitch change that bothers you, why not just re pitch the entry?