I need to add a tee to a black iron natural gas line in my basement. It will not be buried in the wall. Can I use a union? Does this depend on local code?
-Groucho Marx
I need to add a tee to a black iron natural gas line in my basement. It will not be buried in the wall. Can I use a union? Does this depend on local code?
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If you use a black iron union and pipe dope recommended for gas line. Be sure to leak test after your done.
As long as it's accessible, a union should be ok, but only your local permitting authority can say for sure.
I always thought so, but a thread here a few days ago seemed to indicate that unions are prohibited in gas lines in some jurisdictions. So, better check with your inspector.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
I can't answer for NY, but in Seattle it would be OK as long as it's not burried in the wall.
A flange is allowed to be burried in the wall though.
If you have atleast six inches to play with a right left nipple & coupling will meet any code that I know of.
"Why do you hurt me when I do bad things to you?" My youngest son to his older brother
Thanks to all for the advice.
I asked at my local plumbing shop, and they said it was ok...as long as it wasn't being inspected. My neighbor down the street, who works for the gas company, said that it may be against code here -although he wouldn't be surprised if many inspectors did not catch it/weren't aware of it --but that it is commonly done.
Once I got down to work, I realized that the plumbers who did my gas heat conversion three years ago had already put one in my basement.
So I did too.
Thanks again.Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx
plumbing supply is likely correct in this... but they will sell you the gas union anyways.
I hate comming into a job that has a bunch of unions, because I know that I will have to remove them to get my inspection passed, just adds cost to the job... oh and then I also have to pressure test more stuff to satisfy the inspecter.... just a thought on that.
"they said it was ok...as long as it wasn't being inspected"
Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Translation: This is illegal and if you do it, and you have a problem, your insurance company won't pay for your house when it blows up and any subsequent homeowners can sue your a$$ off. But here's a union for $4. Have at it.
As others suggested, based on that comment, I'd use a left/right nipple and be done with it. No big deal.
Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PA
"Translation: This is illegal and if you do it, and you have a problem, your insurance company won't pay for your house when it blows up"I have been asking for years for anyone to show me a policy that states that.No one has been able to show me one.And several insurance adjusters and underwriters have stated that they insurance against HO stupidity..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
I've only heard urban legends to that effect. I'll look it up if I remember. Now you got me wonderin'.
Mike HennessyPittsburgh, PA
plumbbill <!----><!---->
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If you have atleast six inches to play with a right left nipple & coupling will meet any code that I know of.
Not anywhere in Canada Bill.
I would fully expect that if you use the local Union, the job will conform to code and most likely will pass the inspection as required. In gas piping, if you have to ask, probably safest to do this job with your checkbook.