hi. i am having a new roof installed as i write. they are using the old felt ,yet removing old shingles. my home is 15 years old. they are putting up 30 year shingles. should they not be putting up new felt? had 2 small areas of leaks after a hail storm a few months back. seems to me new felt should be used. thanks.
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Yes, new felt is called for.
Yes they should be using new felt. THere is no way that they got the old shingles up without tearing the felt, and tarpaper gets hard and brittle with age. If you are just using tar paper, it is the cheapest part of the job, so I don't see why anyone would not put on new felt. They wouldn't necessarily have to pull the old stuff off as long as the roof structure and decking are in good shape, but a new layer of felt is necessary. If it were me, I would upgrade to the newer synthecic roofing underlayments like Titamium UDL.
Yeah, I can't even imagine that you could use the old felt in a tear-off. The process of tearing the shingles off will take about half the felt.
As stated, all of the old stuff does not need to be removed, so long as it's laying reasonably flat. Just put new felt over it.
If you roofer are as cheap to reuse the tar paper, watch em for everything else.
Bet they won't use I&W too!
Yep, you should also count the nailes used on each shingle too, and compare that with the installation instructions.
Using the old may void any warranty.
Using the old felt will most probably void the warranty, and is asking for leaks. Have teh contractor show you the manufacturers installation instructions, and insist that they follow them.
If they really are going to reuse it, then you better kick them off the property right now. They are worhless.
Ask them how they are going to line up the nails on the new roof to the old holes in the tar paper.
"should they not be putting up new felt?"
What does your contract say?
What do the instructions on the shingle wrapper say?
What does your building inspector say?
I think it is insane to shingle over the old felt without adding new underlayment