W athering of cedar clapboards before painting.
Question: Is it ok to let cedar clapboards weather, i.e. over a New England winter, before priming and solid staining them?
Background: I’ve entered two other posts with questions about staining my house that I’m taking down to the bare wood. The original plan was to use a semi-transparent stain but had now changed to using a latex solid stain with an oil primer. I was hoping to get two sides done this Fall and the remaining two in the spring. Given the calendar, I expect I’ll run out of painting weather and get one side done. I’m using a Paint Shaver Pro ( great tool! well worth the cost) to remove the current coating. After I finish with that I’ll give a quick sanding with a random orbit sander. Though I’ll run out of painting weather, I’ll still be able to remove the current paint on the house. That’s the basis of my question. Is it a bad idea to do the removal and sanding and let them weather?If so, how about removing the paint but leave the final sanding to the Spring. Of course the house will look like hell but we’re off the road so no one will see it anyway.