Thinking about buying a wagner paint sprayer from lowes for occasional use. Has anyone used one and well do they work? Thanks.
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I got the airless wagner that you drop the hose in the bucket. Its great
buy some ear protection too!
Which one are you refering to? The power painter that sounds like a buzzer, the one advertised on tv for painting the garage door and the fence? Don't waste your money. Or do you mean the one that has a suction tube that goes into a bucket of paint, and a high pressure 25 ft hose? I have that one, works pretty well.
Do it right, or do it twice.
I too have one of those that have a suction tube that goes into a gallon bucket you can place on a cradle. It has wheels and a long pressure hose. Works for any but oil paints.
I use mine to repaint the barns, garage etc but would work well for a house, I think, as it does a very smooth, fast job.
It is a pain to clean. You have to take it all apart and clean the little ity bitty filters in the gun without losing the springs and O-rings, etc. and you better do that or it will not work ever again, I am afraid.
Had mine for some 10 years, still works fine.
It does sound like a buzzer.<g>
Friends don't let friends buy Wagners, but there are exceptions.
They take paint and toss it in the air, is that all you need? It might help if you gave a model/type of sprayer, but it doesn't really matter.
You might be better off phrasing your question, "I need to paint x, and was wondering what sprayer would be the best value".
I bought a Wagner powerpainter about 8 years ago and used it to stain the cedar shingle siding on my garage. For that application it worked pretty well...threw a lot of stain at the walls fast, got it into the grain of the shingles and in the cracks between them, and then I used a brush to spread it out. I think it saved me a lot of time (I have a big garage, 24x40 with high gable ends, so there was a lot of area to cover.)
On the other hand, it made a terrible racket, took forever to clean after I was done, and I had to mask the windows and doors and tarp the driveway (and make sure there was nothing close by that I didn't want stained...)
Haven't used it since, but when the garage needs another coat I'll probably use it again.
Edited 8/23/2003 11:16:14 PM ET by Stuart
Wagner is a funny company, but there is no doubt their stuff can take paint and toss it in the air.
Hmm, Power painter, old diaphram pump thingy? I think they have tried to get away from those with their "bigger" units now, and offer a piston pump.
Hey, the deal is whatever works.
get the airless sprayer that goes jigga-jigga and not the one that goes buzzzzzzz.
That's what I was trying to say...couldn't think of the right words.Do it right, or do it twice.
Well I was thinking about the yellow hand held that goes bzzzzzz but I guess not now. As one suggested, lets rephase the question. I'm just getting back into deck building and wanted to offer painting and staining. Just got done hand painting 20 ft. of railing on my first deck in quite a few years. Got to be a better way. What sprayer would you guys recomend for the occasional use like this? thanks
I would go to a paint store that caters to pro painters and talk to them. If ya don't like the price tell em ya can get one for less mail order and the may give ya a good price. Here at the shop we have one that is a mid priced one and they matched a mail order price. We also have an HVLP turban sprayer we use to spray laquer and oil based paint for cabinet work. Its a Graco which are pretty nice. It will also spray stain real well. I would reccomend a gun for each medium ya spray. Guns for the HVLP are easier to clean that the airless sprayer system. If ya use oil based products it will take a bunch of paint thinner to run thru the hose of a airless system....YUCK!
Wagoner makes some good stuff and they make stuff for the home owner. Ya get what ya pay for. There is money to be made in both markets. The Big Box lumber yards are mainly for the DIY market.
Edited 8/24/2003 3:45:18 PM ET by Larry's cabnuts
Got a 5 year old Wagner 3/4 hp airless, and it really has been a workhorse. Don't usually spray anything but waterbase stuff out of it.
It would take more time to clean the gun, hoses, and pickup than it would to spray 20' of handrail.
However, this gun will paint an entire room including popcorn ceiling in about 8 minutes of spraying time.
I think you'd spend more time masking and draping than it would be worth, unless you were doing the same stain on the rails and deck.
These guns have less overspray, but they do have some. I wouldn't want to bend over and spray and entire deck either. Makes my back ache just thinking about it....
If you talking about the wagner buzzbox, its not worth $2. I got two you can have, but if yiu talking wagner airless with the gun and hoses. there are pretty good.
beware the sears stuff - they won't sel parts a few years later. even the little plastic thingy that blows the paint out
I looked at mine. It was bought in January 1993 and it is a Wagner 505 airless.
It has a 18" suction hose, holds a five gallon bucket on it's cradle and it has painted the barn/stalls/tack/feed rooms white about every two years, using some six buckets in one afternoon each time, in some three hours or so, best I remember.
I run water thru it until all comes out clear, then take it all apart and clean the filters etc. with a toothbrush and oil it, another hour I guess.
I would not leave it sitting there without using it or the paint may set in it and gum it forever. Paint it all at once or clean it out right then.
I have painted the garage and other barn doors also with it and it paints where I point, not overspraying. It has an adjustable nozzle.
If you buy any used one, be sure that it was taken care of well.
Best advice is to do what a professional painter tells you. I bet they have better ones today.
Depending on which new CEO is shiffting the store around some times there are deals to be had. Awhile back they were getting rid of there airless stuff so it kept getting marked down, so I go back and check and it's all gone? So I ask and the guy says yea were sending it all back and it's all on that cart just going into the back room. Hey stop let me check. So I get like 12 tips all that were left. 4:11 4:13 and 4:15s for $0.49 ea. wish I could do that again.
Yeah, My little Wagner spray rig was a "return" to Lowe's... Got it for $200. with an extra 50 foot of hose. It had been used ONCE by a homeowner. I couldn't pass it up at that price. --- BRICK
"They say that there is a fine line between genius and insanity. I like to color outside the lines...and then eat the crayons." ~ Me
Nope, the big pro model on wheels.
Saw one last weekend for $2 at a garage sale..... After having read some previous posts (check archives), I didn't even spring for $2 for one of 'em.
Aha, didn't spring even $2 last year for a Wagner buzz box when this thread started, but did find a Wagner 835 today--- "one that goes jigga-jigga vs. buzzzz, as someone once said" for $20 with 100 ft of hose, now I can repaint the barn for the first time in 30 years.
Had been used professionally, but the prime knob had broken off and the pro bought a whole new rig. Took half hour to braze a new stem onto the prime plunger and it now works great.
What do any of the paint pros do to not 'lose' the paint in the hose, blow it out with comp air before cleaning or do you just spray it into the dumpster?
EDIT PS: Anybody ever tried spraying asphalt emulsion with one of these, e.g Henry 107 or similar????
Edited 6/6/2004 2:01 am ET by JUNKHOUND
I usually stick the snoot of my sprayer into a 5 gal pail with the hose running into it to wash it out. Then I remove the tip on the gun and spray it into an empty paint can so I can use it for any brush touchup on the job. Of course, you only shoot it into the can until you begin to get to water instead of paint. Then I lock down the trigger on the gun and drop it into the 5 gal bucket with the hose running. Usually takes about 15 minutes until the water in the can is running clear. Last, I run a gal. of mineral spirits with a little bit of motor oil added to it through the unit and leave it in the pump, hose & gun till the next job... My main spray rig is a Binks Super Bee that I've had since 1971 and is still going strong!
I've got one of the Wagner ($300. at Blowe's) small airless units too. It is a bit more picky about cleaning... and I do prefer to take the gun apart and clean it. Still, a lot of times I don't. I just make sure I leave it like I said above so the any paint that could be left in it will not gum up the works. It's a pretty good little pump for interiors. Downside may be the parts... when you need 'em. Blowe's is not stocking them any more.
"They say that there is a fine line between genius and insanity. I like to color outside the lines...and then eat the crayons." ~ Me
Edited 6/6/2004 2:18 am ET by Brick
Edited 6/6/2004 2:31 am ET by Brick
Does the mineral spirits and oil affect the next spray job?Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell'em "Certainly, I can!" Then get busy and find out how to do it. T. Roosevelt
"Does the mineral spirits and oil affect the next spray job?"
No. Of course, you spray it out into a recovery bucket before you start spraying paint. I keep a 5 gal. pail about 1/2 full just for this use. Any solids settle out pretty quick. So you can pour off the clean spirits and us it over and over. I also use it to clean brushes with too... even latex brushes after washing out with water. It's an old sign painters trick to also put a little motor oil on/in your brushes before you put them away too. I've got Purdy's that are 10 years old or more... Never get any paint built up down in the hilt because of the oil that is there. Motor oil will never dry out! --- BRICK
"They say that there is a fine line between genius and insanity. I like to color outside the lines...and then eat the crayons." ~ Me
The one that sounds like a buzzer doesn't hold enough paint. You have to fill it every couple of minutes.