Building a new 3/4 bath in a new addition to home. Heating is not designed yet but it does not look as though we will be investing in radiant. 🙁
Does anyone reccomend for or against any brand of under tile electric warming mat. Warmly Yours, Warm Floor etc?
Although this will not be primary bath for the rest of the family, because i get up at 3:30 every day it will be mine, and since the rest of the house will still be cold i at least want a warm floor when i hop out of the shower.
Thanks for any ideas
We put a suntouch in our remod a few years back it's still working now. Don't put it too close to the john or it will melt the wax ring thogh. Warm toes in the morning are the bom.
Hi Woody
I used Suntouch on a bath remodel. It worked great under ceramic tile. You can use their guide to help you integrate the product into your plan. It's important to orient your thermostat(and therefore your electrical) so it wont get too much direct sun. I recommend getting the "Big Mouth" attatchment for setting the mat in thinset so you will know before it dries if you've lost continuity, it will save you alot of work and you can use it again when you're done.
I have got to say that this was my first foray into this stuff, but it worked like a charm for me.Sorry, no pictures
Thanks Muse
Glad to hear someone so happy with a product, and thanks especially for the tip on the Loudmouth Monitor. Looking forward to warm toes.
I've used Nu-Heat equipment a number of times with good results. Particularly nice with a programmable thermostat
I've had good success with Warmly Yours and like the other poster said, it's the bomb man. I put it in the kitchen too.
I used Nu-Heat under tile in my bathroom and like the results. Just be careful where you put the temperature probe- I managed to locate mine under where the cat likes to lay. It threw the thermostat off until I "convinced" her to use a different place. Now we have warm feet as well as a warm cat.