Hi all,
I’ve heard so much about the danger of aluminium in water that I would like to install a good filter in my house. Not only for the aluminium but to clean the water in general.
I found many solutions but either they are only for the kitchen or showers.
Are there any systems available which can be installed in the main water pipe to protect the whole house?
I know, that this migt be an overkill since it’s not neccessary to flush the toilet with high quality water.
Thanks for any advice.
While it won't work for the entire house, I use a Whirlpool Reverse Osmosis kitchen filter for all our drinking and cooking water. Any house built in Chicago before the mid '90s has a LEAD pipe bringing water into the house.
If it will filter lead, I presume it will also filter aluminum.
Good luck.
Thanks Norman, I thinkI willgo with that since I could not find anything for the whole house.
Check online for best water filters and more important than that is check the reviews given by people to understand more about the product workings.
Check online
This seems to be your favorite answer. Do you ever leave the house?
Keep in mind that aluminum is the most abundant metal on earth and the 3rd most abundant element.
For most people antacids and antiperspirants are by far the biggest source of human exposure. The solubility of aluminum in water is extremely low.