Weather proofing holes in exterior wall
How do you seal house wrap when you have to cut a hole through an exterior wall? I have seen many techniques for flashing around pipes when there is no siding, but how can you seal the house wrap to the pipes when there is existing siding?
user-5351305 wrote:
How do you seal house wrap when you have to cut a hole through an exterior wall? I have seen many techniques for flashing around pipes when there is no siding, but how can you seal the house wrap to the pipes when there is existing siding?
Depending a little on the type of siding, get a good grade of Urethane caulk and before you shove the pipe through the hole, goop up the perimeter of the sheathing so that's sealed. Insert pipe, do a beautiful job of caulking the perimeter of the pipe to the siding.
Monitor over the years and redo if necessary.