will be talking with our other technical folks today. this is the last time i need to hit ‘reset’ button, i promise.
sorry for lost weekend.
at least we weren’t down as long as salon.com was when they changed servers (not sure if that’s good for us, or just really bad for them).
will be talking with our other technical folks today. this is the last time i need to hit 'reset' button, i promise.
sorry for lost weekend.
at least we weren't down as long as salon.com was when they changed servers (not sure if that's good for us, or just really bad for them).
No Problem
Gave me the chance to not lose out on any arguments before I had the computer set up in Florida.
Out here trying to figure out local construction. Quality is not the best in the country and just looking at the problems with Dryvit and stucco, mold and mildew, and basic regional differences.
*Sean, My brother runs 7 websites. The servers alpha page him regularly when everything is ok, otherwise there's trouble. I think he does most of his work from home too! He can reset them remotely also. I'll give you his E-mail if you'd like.-Rob
I can reset from home, and i always check in, but this weekend i stayed offline completely for the first time in a while, and BLAM! worst case scenario.
Been there, Done that........ Hated it.....
What are you running for a server?
*Look guy's I go away for a few weks and look! you all went and broke the darn thing
*Bill, lol!Sean, my son-in-law used to be the systems guy for the Hilton here in New Orleans - you wouldn'ti believewhat he got paged for in the middle of the night! He finally decided to open his own business (which is doing well).Gabe, what part of Florida?Patty
*Tell you what, Sean, to avoid future problems ... why don't you just give us your home phone #? :)... and that clock is still wrong
... and that the server clock is about 12 minutes slow ...
My sympathies, Sean, I used to have a job where pressing the reset button was an essential part of my duties.