into the trusses of my shed to get some stuff down that I had stored there. I found a bunch of oak pollen sacks right down the middle. Apparently they are blowing up under the ridge vent (metal roof) and into the shed. It’s a 9/12 pitch.
First how the heck? Second, no water appears to be getting in. Third, what is an acceptable gap between the panels at the the top? Lastly, what can I do to stop it?
“Have you seen my baseball?”
"Have you seen my baseball?"
Wind will blow all kinds of stuff in through the ridge cap. Buddy of mine has a metal shop with an old truck parked directly under the ridge. There is a 12" wide layer of leaves and dust on the truck where it falls downs from the ridge.
I have no clue with the amount of "acceptable" gap.
There are foam blocks that can be installed to prevent stuff from being blown in. Check with a metal roofing supplier.
You may have to post us some pics.
Do not use a really really strong glue and span really tough nylon window screen across the bottom of the ridge vent (it turns into a very ugly tale later on when the screen fills up with crud).
Nothin' like the voice of experience, eh Cap?
...hope you don't get any oak trees growing in your attic!
Justin Fink
FHB Editorial
...hope you don't get any oak trees growing in your attic!
InDoor Oak Farm .... don't be so fast to judge .... big money in speciality woods ....
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry in Carpentry
Pgh, PA
like the voice of experience
Or the "vision" of experience, walking around getting called "pop eye" for having crud that won't quite get out . . . (or leaving a site saying "I've 'ad all I kin stands, and kin't stands no more . . . )
Oh, and using more than long-enough screws through the metal roof into the skip sheathing, and having them poke through makes for a loooooovvvvely work environment--but that might be the "scars of experience" . . . Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
Aye Capn, here's the pic
What I don't understand though, is if it will blow up under the shed roof, how will I kep it from blowing up under the house roof (i'm going metal on it too)????
View Image-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Have you seen my baseball?"
how will I kep it from blowing up under the house roof
Egads! Another "should I vent the roof question?" No, seriously (I'm tryin', I'm tryin')--there's not many options that leap to mind. Any "filter material" you use has to be replaceable, which means it also has to be accessible (wow, a link back to the "what should i over/under build thread).
Most of the info/specs I've seen seem to assume that the attic (read, ventilated roof) spaces breathe the same air as outside--hard to keep some of the things in that air out of the ventilated areas. I've seen ridgevent installations with gutters under them, too. Means we're likely to see just about anything.
Now, around here, I'd be more worried about yellow jackets or red-faced hornets taking up residence in the shed than pollen--but that's just my experience, others differ.Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
What? Is my post invisible?
Fer cryin out loud, check with a roofing supply house. They have the stuff you need.
Sorry Matt. How the heck did I miss your post. My bad. Friends?
I will take your advice-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Have you seen my baseball?"
Awe shucks! :)
Matt was right. Check with your metal supplier for some vented closure strips.
Sealtite makes one.