Not really construction related, but…
I’ve got a not so old 20 lb propane tank. It does not have the overfill protection valve, which means that no one will fill it for me.
A new tank with the proper valve is only $25 at HD, but what do I do with the old one? I’ve called several propane suppliers/dealers and asked about a recycling program or a program for getting rid of old tanks. I could see the blank stares over the phone. Anyone got a solution?
I took my old tank to the local recycling center and
threw it in the mixed metals bin.
Joe H
ya - I was thinking 30.06 at 200 yards and then the pieces in the recycling - -
If you're gonna shoot it with a 30-06 don't forget to get some surplus tracer rounds to ensure you have a good show.
Of course, if you start a fire, I never said this. <G>
Not that I'd ever do such a thing, but if you have a friend w/ a .50 cal rifle ( I have several ;p ) and some HEI rounds, much fun can be had. The little propane cylinders for a portable torch make a roughly 6' fireball, or so I've heard ;) A full-size barbeque grade (25#??) tank should be *most* impressive!
Set it over a mole hole and do 2 with 1 stone.
Actually, we were thinking 'rockchucks' and hoping for some secondary frag effect from the surrounding terrain ;)
Ah, well. Never actually did it. It's getting hard enough to find landowners willing to let a person hunt, but most would pucker up at the idea of a medium-large sized fireball on their property (fire hazard, etc.)
But if that sort of thing (i.e. stuff that goes boom) trips your trigger, check *this* out:
I've gone the last two years. Hopefully next year I'll have some decent rain gear.
Recreational use of explosives.
I hope to think that I'm a little more seriously minded than that. Geewiz.
Not sure they'll still do it, but take it to a grocery store that has a tank exchange cage out front. Trade it in for a full tank. For $15-20 you'll get a full tank with the new valve on top. The tank refilling company will simply change out the valve and refill it, so you're not cheating them out of anything either.
I traded in three tanks a few months ago. For about $50 I ended up with 3 full tanks.
If you just toss it and buy a new tank it'll cost you about $35/ tank once they're filled.
Billy that sounds like a winning idea. I'll try it.
you can buy a little converter kit to switch it over to a air tank. its just the right size to be able to fill one tire.
Luka would make shingles out of them.
I took one of those old tanks to lowes and exchanged it for a Blue Flame or whatever refil tank. They didn't care at all.
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