Ive heard the term before, now have a client that thinks he may want his new stemwall i pour for his sunroom “sacked” for looks.
What? how? and do you have any pictures?
Engineered materials and vacuum-press laminations prevent warping and keep a tall, flush-panel door from being excessively heavy.
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Sack rub (sack finish)
A finish for formed concrete surfaces, designed to produce even texture and fill all pits and air holes. After dampening the surface, and before it dries, a mixture of dry cement and sand is rubbed over it with a wad of burlap or a sponge-rubber float to remove surplus mortar and fill the voids.
Removing or alleviating defects on a concrete surface by applying a mixture of sand and cement to the moistened surface and rubbing with a coarse material such as burlap
This was a new one to me so I just used Ask.com
Hope this is what your looking for
No one should regard themselve as "God's gift to man." But rather a mere man whos gifts are from God.
well thats kinda what i was thinking.
On another note....ask.com...hmmmm who would have thunk it. I'll hafta remember that one.
It's kind of similar to "Teabagging".
See if you can find some pictures of teabagging, you will get an idea of what sacking is.
...I think we are talking about the same thing...
Tu stultus es
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
Look, just send me to my drawer. This whole talking-to-you thing is like double punishment.
As soon as I saw the thread title I thought the same thing...
So i wouldnt actualy pull my forms with the concrete still soft and rub it. i could wait a day as i normaly do and then "sack" it.
Does the concrete need to be "cured" before this is done?
I always used "parging" as a term for water proofing.
You can "rub" it when the forms come off. If you have a bucket of water and a little Portland slurry, you can use that to lube the rub block.
Like I said, I'm no mason, but I've done it...
"Wow, that's an interesting pattern you've put on this concrete counter top..."
Tu stultus esRebuilding my home in Cypress, CAAlso a CRX fanatic!
Look, just send me to my drawer. This whole talking-to-you thing is like double punishment.
HA!You know, in an economy like this, you have to market any skill you have.
I always thought it was called "parging." Make a slurry of sand and Portland and apply it to a wetted down concrete or block wall with a coarse brush. I'm no mason, but I've done it that way many, many times.
Portland cement plaster applied over masonry to make it less permeable to water No one should regard themselve as "God's gift to man." But rather a mere man whos gifts are from God.
Hve never heard the term sacking. I heard of parging but mainly it just "RUB" " you need to rub the wall" or "It gets a rubbed finish"
It tilt ups it's done after the walls are all up called "sack and patch" to fill an inclusions and holes, prior to paint.
"Sack and Patch " on crete... any type of pour, patch holes and defects, to bring it up to a higher grade finish. "Parging" on cinder/concrete block....to give it a smooth appearance Those are the terms/difference used around here.
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
Sounds like a process we called "bagging" when I worked in architectural precast concrete. A little bit of the design mix minus the aggregate was set aside (dry) and later mixed with a little water and rubbed over the piece with a piece of burlap to fill voids and pockets. Appearance was extremely important with the components- lintels, sills, quoins, walls among other things. "Bagging" was preparation for the final finish- it wasn't the end of the process. An acid etch was the most often used finish. Others were brushed or rolled on retarder applied in the form on on the casting table for an exposed aggregate finish and sometimes sandblasting.
"It is hardly too strong to say that there are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." -- Noah Webster