What kind of fastener for cedar siding?
I have a cabin in south Louisiana I’m pulling sheet siding off of and replacing with red cedar and was wondering if special fasteners are required for cedar? I know that galvanized in cypress leads to black streaks in the wood and I’m wanting to avoid this kind of issue. My options are Steel, Galvanized or Stainles 2-1/2″ finishing nails.
Thanks in advance for your replies,
Maze split less siding nails, dbl dipped galv.
look to the western red cedar association for complete siding installation practices.
Thanks Calvin, I'll look at Maze and great idea on Western red cedar assc. Thanks again
why not SS?
Yes, second on the SS.
I also agree with SS ringshank.
Copper Nails
Has anyone seen how copper ringshank nails hold up in cedar? Is there staining after awhile?? This in coastal San Diego.
Maze amd Stainless
I used Maze douoble dipped onmy cedar lap siding. Now, I did use a solid stain and from what I have heard these nails might still not be protection enough if you use a transparant stain. No bleeding after two years. Alot less expensive than SS.
I used galvanized finsh nails into the tongue of my transparant stained tongue and groove cedar soffit. I figured once hidden by teh froove of the next missing bleeding would not be an issue. But I used stainless steel siding nails into the soffit where I needed to face nail/ The stainless steel will cost you a fortune!