What options to consider for foundation waterproofing before backfilling?
I’m about to waterproof my foundation walls (stem walls, with eventual slab on grade inside). I’m overwhelmed a bit with options.
It seems there are 3 main options:
– bitumen/tar based (which my builder prefers) = the issue with this is that it does not appear to be waterproofing, but just moisture proofing.
– liquid rubber = like Blue Max, which seems like a good product, but hard to find general reviews on it. I’d likely spray it on.
– injectable/absorbable hardener = like Radon Shield. I know nothing of this product other than their sales pitch, and it seems like an interesting product that you spray on, and it hardness the outer few inches to prevent capillary action.
Any opinions/thoughts? Other products to consider?
I’m leaning towards option 2: liquid rubber. I’m also planning on spraying it on top of the stemwalls and footers where the slab will be in contact to create a capillary break.
But option 3 looks a lot easier to apply (just uses a garden sprayer).
Liquid Rubber WITH DIMPLE MAT AND PROPER drainage away from footers whether to daylight or a sump pump
How critical is the dimple mat if we're not in an area with high hydrostatic pressure? We're on a hill (walk out basement) with footer drains draining to daylight. Sandy loam soil.