What should expectations be on framed house?

I just had my first house framed with a private framing co. Having not done this before I’m unsure what should be expected out of the framer to fix or what’s just the standard way of doing things and on me to fix. Inspection is still a few weeks out as plumbing and electrical still have to go in.
1) Nails poking out of the base plate in a few different places.
2) Glue from when they accidentally put the floor sheathing on upside down. Planning on hardwood floors, so thinking this will need to be removed.
3, 4) Entry door was hung incorrectly and won’t even latch
5) balcony door isn’t flush with the frame or even, but isn’t as bad as front door.
Sad to say that looks pretty normal. Not to say it should look like that but framers are usually being paid by the square foot so blow through the jobs as quick as possible. It will be easier for you to fix the problems than try to get the framers back to fix them. Sawzall the nails off, scrape the adhesive, and have your trim carpenter fix the doors.
That's unfortunately what I thought. Thanks!
Could the foam cause those jambs to distort?
Expansive foam could if the jamb wasn’t securely fastened in the first place. But it sure could make it difficult to correct those installs if not removed.
It could but that's not what I see. The last framer I let install a door used 2- 16# nails per jamb. Needless to say, we re did and I never let a frame near a door after that.