What to do when sump pump water alarm goes off?

New homeowner of a house with a sump pump that was installed because of basement water leaks. Just want to be prepared in case the water alarm goes off. What do you do first? Turn off the water main? Call insurance? Call the emergency water remediation people? Sorry if this is a silly question- just want to be prepared?
Do not unplug your sump pump. The alert means that the system is letting you know that there's water and the sump pump is not working due to power failure. If you have a battery back up, use it to power the sump pump. The sensors are mostly location at the top of the sump pump. So either the water level has reached those levels or the sensor area is wet due to water on it. In case of latter, wipe the sensors dry and it will sort out. In case of former, call for help.
My guess is that the sump pump is for rain water. The alarm would be to let you know that the water level is at a problematic level indicating that the sump pump is either broken or is unable to keep up with the demand, which is unlikely.
Sometimes people get a second installed as a backup if there is a serious problem but that is uncommon.
As a builder I can tell you that new houses are more likely to take water than the same house will be in a year because of the backfill being loose and settling. When you refill that the grading will push the water away from your house.