Can anyone offer suggestions where I can find or people to contact for part time help. I am self contracting my house and almost overwhelmed with all the little jobs that need to be done. I work full time at a regular job so time is the issue (having to deal with torn knee cartilage doesnt help). They would have to someone you can trust to do the work while I’m not their or anyone else also. BTW live in a small southern town of about 38,000 people. And housing market is not that weak. Roger
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You're not asking for much, are you? Someone to trust to do the work when you are not there?
People like this are out there but noone can tell you how to find them. You have to know them already. We have a hard enough time hiring good people to work for us full-time and we are able to give them complete supervision.
I suggest that you break down your project into as many components as you can and decide which parts of the job you can't or don't want to do. Sub these out to the best people you can find. If you place your trust in these people, more often than not they can help you find others like them and teach you more about building than you will ever need to know. Good luck.
Seems like the only persons that qualified and dependable who want to work part time would be the retired ones.Excellence is its own reward!
teachers seem to be available during the summer. the problem is that while they are a source for hard workers, most of them seem to come direct from the monestary and don't seem to have a clue as to what a hammer looks like let alone which end is used to put nails in. If it's a task you can demonstrate how to do and then just go off you may be successful. If there is a sequence of steps requireing technique, You are better off hiring a contractor and have him train the teachers....
Let's see..ya need someone that knows what to do...can do the trustworthy..and wouldn't hurt if they had a few tools to bet the work done......
I'm thinking....hire a carpenter! Where are U and what do ya need done.....I'll submit a bid in a few days......Jeff
.......Sometimes on the toll road of life.....a handful of change is good.......
Let me see if I understand this. You don't want to pay a contractor to build your house, but you want contractors to pull you out of a jamb. Just so I understand.
Edited 8/15/2002 9:59:40 AM ET by DeadLoad
If his money is green, what do you care?
Jon Blakemore
The point is that rman dosen't want to pay for the experience and hard earned knowledge of a general contractor to build his house. But, he dosen't seem to mind asking contractors for free advise. I guess some people are born takers. As long as you are willing to give they will take, take, take. Now don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to help someone out, especially other contractors or tradesmen. When a homeowner decides to go alone, he should go alone and not look back for guidance from the people he cut out in the first place. If rman is in over his head maybe its time to swallow a little pride and find a general contractor to take over.
I hope you aren't doing the "u build it" program. Or as I like to call it "u get boned" program. By the way, If you are a work all day, who is watching your jobsite?
If you don't want to give him advice, don't do it. I don't have the slightest idea of rman's motivations but if he wants to build his own house, more power to him. If he makes a few mistakes, he'll learn, just like we did. He'll have to live with some of his mistakes but that is his problem. If nothing else he will have an increased appreciation for the work that the contractors and tradesmen here do.
I partially misunderstood your post. You replied to Jeff Buck, and I assumed that you were directing your comments towards him. I understand (and partially agree with) where you are coming from, but I also think Schelling has some wisdom. He's not asking for you to spend your Saturday at his place. Just advice.
BTW- nothing in his original post tells you that he isn't a contractor. He probably is a DIY, but we don't know that yet.
Jon Blakemore
Interesting that opinions are different yet I agree with everybody.
Frenchy will probably back me up in that if you are going to build your own be prepared to do it ALL yourself, especially the really menial stuff.
A friend building his first house same time as me many years ago had hired guys from a local mission a few times. Once in a while he lucked out and got a good intellegent worker, but could never find the same guy again - most often, the time spent trying to educate or protect your stuff meant you got less done than if you were alone.
PS: rman, tke note of old advise from Frenchy - Frenchy's post the other day (forget the thread) about a stalwart friend carrying a big oak beam to the second floor reminded me of a year ago discussion about carrying 6 sheets of 1/2 PB up a stairs at a time - my left ankle wishes I'da known then what F. knew then about easy does it and use machines.
Ya menial. Boy do we all love menial. Makes you appreciate the fun stuff.Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
The only skills you can get for part time work is somebody to dig a ditch under your supervision. I'm finishing up my second house and I did the work myself or hired a pro (elec, plumber etc). I have had friends come over to help and it ALWAYS turns out that they don't even know the correct method to paint, they don't know how to square a wall, they don't know codes and it simply slows me done with someone standing around who can't do anything.
Let your fingers do the walking (under "contractors") . Like I said if you aint swingin' a hammer....or on site, or ....well, just wanna get it done cheap...yer in serious trouble my brother. Its gonna be a serious game of Russian Roulette. Wanna hire an unliscence and uninsured person and they fall off a ladder and then they'lllll own your crib......or maybe even fall asleep with a cigerette burning.....know what I mean
Good luck
Be well,
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Find the best subs you can...don't pay 'em.....that's good, part time help...