Which fuel for range and dryer? LP gas ?
I am in need of a new range and dryer. I presently use electricity for both. Am considering going to LP gas. In this area, Maine, Electricity is about 15 cents a kwh. LP gas is $2.08 a gallon in the 200lb. + tanks. Family of 4 two kids. Which would be the most economical. I am redoing the kitchen so the wiring or plumbing is not a problem. I can do it myself. I am seriously considering LP. There is no natural gas in this area?
I don't believe you can do the gas yourself. Check it out with a supplier in your area first. Neither of my suppliers will touch a job they didn't do to install tanks and regulator. Licensing came in for that one a few years ago. Plumbing guy who did it for years won't even touch it now.
You'll have the extra cost of the vent for the dryer too. I pay more for the propane out here on the island, I think, but the reason we want it for the range is for when the electricity goes out - and you know how that is.
Short version for generalities is that electricity is cheaper to install but propane has advantages in use.
I'm confused about the long term prospect for cost though. A year ago, I read how they were still waste-burning natural gas offshore from the maritimes and this year, I read that a shortage of propane is going to make the cost of it go up.
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Piffin; The ,200# plus, tanks they bring them in with reg. From the reg. in to the house I can pipe plumb etc. If I wanted the smaller 100# tanks,fuel more costly, I can do everything. Know of any sites I can do a comparison on costs etc.? Thanks
Coast Gaurd regs only allow us to get the 100# tanks out here.
I called every supplier in the Midcoast region in '96 for comparisons..
Excellence is its own reward!
Know two people who have had gas dryers. Both had problems. One was LP, and one was natural gas.
I've got an electric dryer, and use LP for heating and cooking.
I'd stick with an electric dryer and use the LP in the stove. You wouldn't have to change a bottle that often.
Tom; I have heard that gas is much more efficient drying clothes, supposedly it takes much less time than elec. I already have a Toyostove kerosene heater which I like alot.