I’m doing a science fair with my daughter “which glue is stronger”. We are testing Gorilla Glue, Elmers White, Krazy Glue, and Elmers Glue Stick (from 1st graders pencil case).
Procedure: distribute even layer of glue over a 2-1/4″ square piece of KD Doug Fir and clamp to center of 4′ long piece of 2×4 KD Doug Fir. Insert screw eye in small block, support from two ladders, hang milk crate and fill with weights until wood block separates. See pics attached…
Ran 1st test this am on Elmers Glue Stick (from 1st graders pencel case). 155lbs of dumbells, and some 16oz lead sinkers. Nothing, now out of weight. Let’s see what else we have. Find steel vise, weigh it at 67lbs throw that in there for total of 222lbs. and NOTHING!! Does not even budge!!
Anyone have any ideas on how to measure, jeez I can’t believe an Glue Stick is that strong. It’s going to take 1,000+ lbs to break the Gorilla/Elmers white??
What about those scales with hooks on either side of it like weighing heavy fish. Hook one end to the wood and the other end to a come-along and start ratcheting keeping track of weight on scale until something gives?
After a thought it probably isn't practicle due to cost of the scale........
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.”
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
-Truman Capote
Edited 2/23/2008 4:27 pm ET by jarhead2
how about using a 1" diameter piece or something smaller until a reasonable amount of weigh will cause failure?
I'm think along both lines, smaller surface area for sure. Currently at 5sq in., need to get that down.
Thougt about come-along, or hydraulic port-o-power, but need spring scale. We have one that goes to 300lbs, in the barn. But I need something probably up to 1 ton!
7 year old can't believe that Dad can stand in that crate and glue stick holds!!
Here is a great way to do it!
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” Reagan....
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote
Now you guys have got me thinking. Leverage/Fulcrum is probably going to be the ticket.
That link even had a spread or work sheet I mean.......
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” Reagan....
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote
I took the set-up, as is, to 438lbs. The screw eye straightened and the small Doug Fir block split right above the point of the last thread. The glue joint did not budge!
My Daughter says... "Jeez a glue stick can't even hold 2 pieces of paper together!"
Deflection on the 4' 2x4 was about 5/8"
A glue stick.........
Wouldn't want to mistake that for an underarm persperation stick!!!
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” Reagan....
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote
Edited 2/24/2008 11:20 am ET by jarhead2
Hey, wasssup with Gatorade and Anti persperants haveing the same names?
'Icy Montain Rush"
"Spring Blizzard"
"fresh Ocean"
Man,,theres something going on.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
A little Alum with your juice? LOL
One prevent perspiration the other replenishes it. Maybe they are made by the same guys!
Like the pill dudes. Make a problem then the fix.........Create your own market!
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” Reagan....
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. -Truman Capote
I figure if ya drink 3 quarts of Glacial Feeze, you'll stiill smell that way when ya sweat it out..who needs deoderant? LOLSpheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
do be careful - those kind of energies could cause serious injury in the event of catastropic failure - but you know this...."there's enough for everyone"
Too much surface area being used in your test.
try a one inch square and see what you get.
Or, try a differnt methid implementing a fulcrum or other device of leverage to ammplify the power of your weights.
I refuse to accept that there are limitations to what we can accomplish. Pete Draganic
You been tweaking the gravity field there? Seems like ya need to turn the gravity knob the OTHER Way.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
Since you are dealing with such a strong substance(wood) how about something less strong? I think the idea of a smaller block of wood is the first place to start. Then figure out your mounting fixture. You need to over engineer. Then get a foot pound beam type torque wrench and start turning. The torque wrench should have a sliding arrow that will show you when the failure happems. The problem you will probably run into is that glue is almost always stronger than wood.
Very good point.
You might try gluing with end grain. This would test the tensile strength of the glue itself.