The new Breaktime moderator.
As much as I’ve enjoyed this experience, I am stepping down as the moderator of Breaktime.
Would you believe… to concentrate on my 2004 Presidential bid?
The truth is that I have learned a lot about FHB through this experience, but a shuffling of assignments has put the responsibility in in the hands of Jim Kidd. Don’t worry I told him all about you guys, and when he tried to run, I chained him to his desk!
Please be nice!
Thanks all, and have fun.
Brian P.
It’s not my job anymore!
Best of luck in your new endeavor. Hope it works out for you.
And don't worry - We're not bitter because you ditched us as soon as a better offer came along.
We won't hold it against ya.
Just don't turn yer back on any of us......................(-:
You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float on his back, you've got something.
BRIAN ! We hardly knew ya' !
Hey, thanks for the professionalism and thanks for the way you've handled the troll situation. Best of luck to you. Don't be a stranger - as you know, they'll let anyone in here !
Congratulations on the promotion Brian. I'm sure the way you handled yourself here must have had something to do with you being picked outta the crown for this very important position.
Now you should be able to get a key to the storeroom and rifle some of those cool promo gifts they've got stashed. Already got a hat, think you could find an XL t-shirt? Thanks
Best of luck.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Howdy Sher'f, Hope you got yer teflon vest. Mebbe yo'll last longer than the last dude, ya rekkon?
Enywhoos, welcome ,and remember, your opinion is valued in matters about acceptablity. I have had posts deleted and still don't know why, possibly you can replace a deleted post with the reasons why. I for one would appreciate it so I can learn the finer nunces of Taunton sensiblities.
SamTSleepless in Columbia. Diurnal rhythm? What songs did they do?
I got a promotion!
Just kidding.
I didn't get a promotion, just some new duties.
You know summertime stuff, like washing Andy's car. <G>
Brian P.It was once my job!
Does he still make you pleebs polish his shoes as well ?
Watch out for that duty, when he returns from a "fest". Ralph has a picture than give you a good clue why I say that.
; ) A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Hell yes it's a don't have to dick around with us guys anymore! Now quite the bs and get the key to the crappola room...........XL
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
<a href="">Quittin' Time
Toldja when ya got here this is a tough crowd well bring on the new guy we'll run him outta town too.....It wont be pretty but it will be entertaining....:>)
Best of luck to ya Brian, just like Andy stop by and drop us a line to let us know how your doing....
tighten your chin strap its gonna be a rough road and a tough act to follow..:>)
Darkworks: No Guns No Butter squilla and the bling bling.
Hey----anybody ever keep track of how many of these guys we have run off? Has breaktime had more moderators or more formats? Can we count that high?
SamTSleepless in Columbia. Diurnal rhythm? What songs did they do?
Dude I dunno how many I just crawl out from under my table near the ladies room and the next thing I know theres another new sheriff in town
Darkworks: No Guns No Butter squilla and the bling bling.
Hey Ron,
"tighten your chin strap its gonna be a rough road and a tough act to follow..:>)"
This guy is definitely equal to the task. <G>
Jim came out to photograph my jobsite for an article a while back. I liked him immediately. He's first-rate in every regard . . but I guess we'd expect nothing less from Taunton.
Somehow he wasn't on my jobsite two hours and we found ourselves practicing jab/slip/bob-weave/shovel hook combinations in the client's yard.
Don't ask me how we got on to that, I have no idea. But if you ever want to write, Jim is great to work with, and a really fun guy to hang out with. I suspect Breaktime will be better for his presence, as well.
I agree. My wife and I had lunch with Jim last Thursday. Jim is a very nice guy, and surely doesn't deserve being the moderator on Breaktime. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Good luck, Jim.
Edited 7/2/2003 10:47:35 PM ET by Nick Pitz
Edited 7/3/2003 5:37:22 AM ET by Nick Pitz
Thanks for putting up with all my crotchety tirades without deleting my drivel. Good luck in the future. I look forward to pushing the envelope of civility with the next moderator. I try to be good but sometimes I can't help it.
Instant a$$hole,just add alcohol.
Mike Callahan
Lake Tahoe Ca.
Hey Brian, I suppose now that we gave you all of our great ideas, you are going to be put in charge of the new magazine, Fine Sheetrock Screwing, or some such thing. We should have known you needed all that info for something more important than us. Good luck, and welcome the new dude.