I read an article in FHB about utility cores. Now I can’t find that issue and I want to know who’s making them.
Googling was no help, and it’s driving me crazy.
Any help is much appreciated.
I read an article in FHB about utility cores. Now I can’t find that issue and I want to know who’s making them.
Googling was no help, and it’s driving me crazy.
Any help is much appreciated.
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What's a utility core?
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
it is a precurser to the Jeffreys tube...If we don't bring the troops home,
How we gonna invade the next country that
Pi$$es us off???
(dollar signs have double meaning)
Is that similar to a flip open tube?
<<it is a precurser to the Jeffreys tube...>>
What's a precurser? The guy who warms up the crowd for Andrew Dice Clay?
examples of pre cursers are:Hitting your thumb with a hammerbanging your head on a rafter tailrealizing your tape is down on the miter saw stand.hitting your already sore thumb again...If we don't bring the troops home,
How we gonna invade the next country that
Pi$$es us off???
(dollar signs have double meaning)
What's a utility core?
I think it's a sex toy.
http://www.ussdragonstar.com/utilitycore/index.asp[email protected]
I need to study Star ship Propulsion systems again. Forgot that one.
I guess it works together with the Jeffries tube!!!If we don't bring the troops home,
How we gonna invade the next country that
Pi$$es us off???
(dollar signs have double meaning)
http://www.startrek.com/startrek/mediaview?id=2102183&episodeid=68674&count=-1If we don't bring the troops home,
How we gonna invade the next country that
Pi$$es us off???
(dollar signs have double meaning)
That isn's a real current pic of Scotty - is it? Looks like he over did it on the Brill Cream a bit too...
I see that the OP hasn't read any of the responses to him--but he sure gave the rest fodder to use for posting humorous responses! I go over to "House Chat" a lot and nine times out of ten I'll respond to a question and the original poster will never read the response--usually I tell them to ask their question here, but only a few do--and half of them get jumped and regret coming here!
humor? these are crap. I'm actually looking for real information, not blather.
"I'm actually looking for real information, not blather."Then you need to give INFORMATION.The first response was posted within 20 minutes, SIX DAYS AGO. And was asking for more detials.And from all of the their responses it clear that no one knows what you are talking about..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
crap in, crap outDon't know why you havea problem with Googling for it? If it is what has been suggested and what you fail to answer, then there are links there.http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6820375.html
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I assume you mean a modular, pre-plumbed, pre-wired "core" around which you can build a house?
I assume you mean a modular, pre-plumbed, pre-wired "core" around which you can build a house?
If they go on sale let me know--gotta get one of them.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
I really don't want you to be driven crazy.
Since you read about this in FHB, have you thought of using the seaarch here?
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
yeah, I used that engine but it didn't turn up.
This was an article about green building/ waste reduction. It featured a photo of some hardhats lowering this "utility core" into a frame in progress. It looked to be about two feet thick and supposedly contained the water heater, commode mainline, electrical panel, and HVAC blower /trunkline.Since it was used, I assumed it was in production. Googled my a$$ off to no avail.Back to the tried and true method of paging through every beat issue for days. So it goes.
I doubt that was part of a "commercial" product as such.Rather part of a modular or kit home of some type..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
So did you look at the links on that page I sent you?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Yes sir, I did. It was a pretty recent article I thought.Hard to believe some corporation isn't already running with this. Seems brilliant to me.
It's hard to get any new building technique going, especially when it requires designing the building around it. The places where I've heard of utility cores used have been large apartment/condo projects where there are lots of the same unit built. Some have even been rehabs, where they cut a hole in the roof and lowered the cores in down several floors, one core stacked on another.In these cases it pays to design and manufacture the cores for a "one off" situation, since you're still replicating it 20-200 times.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
That's what I'm involved with: 12 and 24 unit apartment buildings. Those utility cores would be perfect, as the same two basic building designs are replicated coast to coast.
But who will build them?
Wish I could tell you. I remember first seeing an article on this 25-30 years ago, and "recently" (in the past 5 years) saw a writeup in one of the "decorator" mags that mentioned the core in passing but gave no details. Maybe seen mention once or twice in-between.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
But check this out for starters: http://www.homeenergy.org/archive/hem.dis.anl.gov/eehem/99/990307.html
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
You could try asking mechanical contractos. But I suspect that most of them aren't setup with shop space and assembly lines for that kind of work.But people that make manfactured homes and modular homes are setup for that kind of assembly work.I would start contacting them.I did a google on - modular building apartments - and there are a number of compansies that are in that business..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.