I’m curious, is anybody else out there a fan of Skiller workwear? I got a pair of their workpants a couple of months back and I’m loving them. Anybody else have opinions?
Justin Fink – FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I’m curious, is anybody else out there a fan of Skiller workwear? I got a pair of their workpants a couple of months back and I’m loving them. Anybody else have opinions?
Justin Fink – FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
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Great stuff. I'm thinking of trying the Duluth Trading Co pants with knee pad pockets, they look like a second generation Skillers. And they look to be cut a little wider, not that that would matter to some.
Hope all is going well with you.
Cliff! Long time since I've seen you lurking here - great to hear from you again. I haven't seen the Duluth version, but I will have to check it out.Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
i got a pair of the lightweight pants.
very lightweight...polyester, I think.
though very comfortable, they are somewhat formless...
to my stylish way of thinking.
and having just turned 60 yrs old...
style is everything.
when something more than style needs to be considered...
in this unbearable heat i have been stylish AND comfortable
in my ll bean poly fishermans shorts.
pockets everywhere.
Take a look at Arborwear - they make very heavy duck pants, similar to Carhart:
Why ya want to know, sailor?
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig." Robert A. Heinlein
"Get off your dead #### and on your dying feet." Mom
Because I like them enough to consider them for a T&M review. Therefore, I'm pretending to care what you dogs think of them. Consider it, "market research"
...just kidding, don't beat me up! ;)Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Truth is, I own a couple of Skillers odds and ends. A pair of pants, and some other thing whose identity escapes me. The pants are at least the equal of Carhart, but the integral knee pads are kind of weird. I've never worn anything else that made my kneecaps sweat all day.Andy
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig." Robert A. Heinlein
"Get off your dead #### and on your dying feet." Mom
I think Skillers sells lighterweight pads that don't make your knees sweat - I can't remember which I have, but they work very nicely and, once you get past the weird sensation, don't seem to make me sweat too badly.
either way, I'd take a little bit of knee-sweat over the itchy and sweaty knee pad straps any day of the week.Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I've never worn anything else that made my kneecaps sweat all day.
Some kneepads I got from Sears does that to me. Plus once they get soaked, the back padding smashes down some and the pads get loose. So then you're pulling on 'em all the time to actually keep them on your knees. I need to get different kneepads.
"A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love." -- Saint Basil
I've been wearing the Skillers work vest for several years trimming and I love it. Everything has a place and the pockets are generous enough for the trim tools that I carry, shims, plans, phone, etc. In fact, I will be replacing this one as I've worn it out. At around 50 to 60 bucks, it's also a steal. Best tool belt/pouch for the money, IMHO!
The worst thing about the vest is the heat build up. I will be looking into the mesh styles, I would imagine them to be much cooler.
I occasionally wear a pair of the pants and enjoy those as well.
Neither cold, nor darkness will deter good people from hastening to the dreadful place to quench the flame. They do it not for the sake of reward or fame; but they have a reward in themselves, and they love one another.
-Benjamin Franklin
Agree with the heat build up, unless your working in a cool climate they aren't suitable.
I have a few pairs of Skillers pants and a pair of their shorts. The shorts and 1 pair of the pants have the 'double pocket' in the front which can act as a mini nail pouch. They are one of my favorites. Finally a pair of pants that does not wear out the knees. I like them very much
ran across skillers last winter...they kept my knees nice and warm, but most of all dry....yes, they get a little warm in the summer, but i too will take sweaty knees over worn out knees anyday....I love the pants, bought several pairs, in all the stylish colors...
as an aside, they have recently revamped pretty much the whole line, to address some of these issues..
I love them....