The day began like any other. With a simple job in front of me little was suspected which might alter the flow of an easy time.
Needing to be out of the office’s basement by 5 o’clock I turned the water back on to check for leaks, began packing up and hauled one load upstairs then went back for the second.
Discovering no leaks while picking up the candybar wrappers and the last of the debri, I shut off all the pull string lights.
Now I admit I’ve never been one to be able to brag to the world of my lightening fast mind and quick wit
but being a yankee I’m not one to dump the last half cold can of CherryCoke out just because I have to change locations.
So when I finished up in the basement I thought it well to just brace the half can in the open top tool carrier and move it to the upstair apt. reno.
Proved to be a procedural error as I promptly forget that I’d done the deed and later noticed the can of CherryCoke laying on it’s side in there.
What’s that have to do with why I don’t have a VetoPac?
If that had happened to a VetoPac I’d be crying in my beer,
but as is the cheapy Depot canvas tool tote
don’t rate the concern. Soap, rinse sugarwater out and go on down the road.
No charge for that story.
is it Friday already?
Edited 12/19/2007 8:26 pm ET by rez
my boy just dumped half a container of orange jello into the side of the couch ...
'cause the first time he turned it over ...
none fell out!
yer story don't help ...
but I guess I'm glad it wasn't an expensive tool box ...
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Why I don't hav a VetoPac...
or a BucketBoss...
or a gatemouth...
I am actually organized. Just because you can put all your tools in one bag, it doesn't really make you organized. I keep several smaller caches of tools for individual jobs. plumbing in one, electrical in another, another for automotive work, and so on. I don't like needlessly carrying all my tools when I may just need one screwdriver and a pair of pliers. my arms stay short and my back stays happy. I am paranoid and fear losing all my tools in one quick heist. I can leave one set of tools on one job and still have what I need on another. I don't aspire to be like HO Studley
I don't drink soda...or anything from a can.
I think the aluminum gives the taste an added zing when you pour it over your Breyer's Natural Vanilla Ice Cream.
I hate trips back to the truck, so I've got an HD bag so full of stuff there's no way I could cram a can of coke in it... that would be another trip <G>
Winterlude by the telephone wire,
Winterlude, it's makin' me lazy,
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire.
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand.
Come out tonight, ev'rything will be tight,
Winterlude, this dude thinks you're grand.
Since it's in the title.....
I've got the long Propac. Filled it up with what I had in my other overloaded bag. Same contents, heavier bag. Handle makes it seem lighter. Ergonomics at work.
AND, if you had been my recipient in the gift exchange-they sell a "lid" for pop cans (soda). A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Is that HD bag the stationary canvas one that mimics the old style wooden tool boxes of yore with the center handle on top?
They needed another line of pockets on the interior of that empty side.
Nah, it's the 60 bucker, lots of pockets to lose stuff in<G> Winterlude, Winterlude, my little daisy,
Winterlude by the telephone wire,
Winterlude, it's makin' me lazy,
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire.
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand.
Come out tonight, ev'rything will be tight,
Winterlude, this dude thinks you're grand.
Why I don't drink sodas...