Lugo substation video, listen to the audio also. Inspired by the ‘fuse rating’ thread. Note that 2 of the 3 breakers “broke”. This is making the rounds, have gotten a copy form about 10 different acquaintences so far, but you guys may not have seen it.
Sparkie the bear, sparkie the bear, growlin and prowling an ‘uh ozoning the air. He can find an arcing, that’s how he got his name, sparkie the bear.
Edit PS: 1.5 MB, Non DSL/cable people, WAIT it out for the download, I think you will find it worth it. DW heard an exclamation in the background with audio turned up loud, hope Andy doesn’t delete the post<G>
Edited 1/9/2004 11:28:54 PM ET by JUNKHOUND
Old man told me one time. While I was remodeling my home I asked Rolly (old man) you know anything about electricity he said yup smiled then said Don't F**k with it.
Blues"One measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions"
Here are some links to that video and a couple of similar ones and some background info.
After the frankenpuppy post in the tavern, I read this title, and thought this thread was going to be about a dog with cast iron balls and very short legs.
Yaaarg !¡!¡! Hold still... While I smite thee !
I like the guy in the lower right corner at the very end giving it the hands up salute.
I don't know if you checked any of my links about this event.
But one of them had another link to a web page where the guy does high energy discharges in a coil to electromagnetic forming.
He has some coin that he shrinks. Sounds like it is up your alley.
WAIT it out for the download, I think you will find it worth it.
Tried, couldn't hack more than 40 minutes of Windows Media Player stopped at "Connecting . . . "
You might want to try it through the sites that I posted in my first message.