I’m about to build two sets of double hung windows.
I’ve purchased the jamb liners.
These call for one set of rails and stiles to be 1 15/32″.
The other sets to be 1 3/4″.
Will the following bit work to make the stiles and rails:
I figure I just need to raise the bit up above the table the necessary distance in order to get the necessary dimensions on each piece.
Otherwise, does anyone have any suggestions for purchasing the necessary router bit set?
Thanks a whole bunch!
I've got an adjustable sash moulding plane I'd consider selling.......
I would double check your construction specs. Unless you have some unusual jamb liners, sash are 1 3/8". The meeting rail on the lower sash is 1 3/4". This may be the measurement difference you are seeing. The meeting rail has an added molded profile that intersects with the upper sash meeting rail, as a wind stop. The thicker meeting rail is flush with the rest of the stiles and rails on the inside. The extra projects toward the exterior. On wood construction, this wind stop gets cut flush with the sash so it will step over the parting bead and fit in the running track. Ready made sash are available. If these were not something special, I'd buy rather than make.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
What jrnbj says is right on, to my knowledge. But I see the bit is indeed 1 3/8" so you'll be okay with that.
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I dunno about that. I am rebuilding and replacing windows in two seprate dwellings as we speak. Some are 1 3/4 sash, some are 1 1/4 and some are 1 3/8.
I am not in the snhop but I think my sash set is adjustable for the 1 1/4- 1 3/8, and I have another that is for the 1 3/4 only IIRC the 1 3/4 set is actually a door stile and rail set but converts to sash by bearing placement. Pretty sure they are Whiteside.
I've also adopted a novel attack for quick and easy sash ( single pane TDL) I just make the frame, and for the muntins and mullions just use a 1/4" thick strip let into the head and sill rails and stiles with a stub tennon, half lapped at the intersections. I mill the profile on glassstop glued and pinned to the inside and azek to the outside.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
"We strive for conversion,we get lost in conversation, and wallow in consternation. "Me.
Inneresting, that.
I always figured the hardest part of making sash had to be supporting the muntin stock to mould it (assuming you're using more or less hand tooling)
Never made any sash, but done more re-glazing than I like to remember...
So if I understand right (first time for everything)..your muntins ( or is it munti?) are three pieces..
"After the laws of Physics, everything else is opinion" -Neil deGrasse Tyson
If Pasta and Antipasta meet is it the end of the Universe???
yup. Internal glass stop, muntin bar, external stop.Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
"We strive for conversion,we get lost in conversation, and wallow in consternation. "Me.
Cool!remind me to remember that when I have to fix a window sometime...I'll try and remind you to remind me to remind you to remind................................................................................................
"After the laws of Physics, everything else is opinion" -Neil deGrasse Tyson
If Pasta and Antipasta meet is it the end of the Universe???
Thanks for your response (and everyone else's)!
I'd be glad to read any more responses.
freud and cmt have good sash bit sets. wizard makes a great moulding head and cutters for tablesaws.