Just been asked to add a window well with taller window in an old home. Window will be same width as the old but will be taller, so we need a window well.
Tips and time involve ideas please. Soil is on the dry side and they will be a lid on the well opening.
An idea on size is 32″ wide 48″ high with about 36″ in the “dirt”.
Edited 12/5/2009 2:07 pm ET by USAnigel
Is the window used for egress?
If it is a window off of a bedroom there are pretty strict codes about how it is done.
Will Rogers
No egress, just extra light. There is a bilco door next to it.
I was just making sure."There are three kinds of men: The one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."Will Rogers
1) You will be amazed at how big of a dirt pile you end up with when you are done digging.
2) How deep are you digging? How are you cutting the concrete (I assume it is concrete) foundation? My concrete cutter requires us to excavate at least 18" below the bottom cut, and 16" past the vertical cuts. We then begin the backfilling with river rock for drainage. We leave the top of the rocks about 4" - 6" below the bottom of the window, for snow to collect. Not an issue with yours if your using a well cover.
3) Try shopping for window wells and see what the suppliers regularly carry. A 32" wide well is probably special order. 36" wide is the smallest I could readily find here. The wider the well, the more light you will get. 60" is the shortest I would try to use. But we usually go with a 52" tall window. So if your new window isn't that tall, you might get away with 48" tall well.
I like to leave 4" minimum below the sill of the taller window before the rock.
Timewise, we almost always hand dig. Generally, it takes two guys one day to dig out for a window well. Then there is another day for hauling away the dirt. One day to cut concrete, install well, and backfill. We usu finish all of the dirt work before we install the window. No point in risking broken windows, or even getting the window covered in dust with the earthwork. Plywood over the opening keeps the dirt out.
Hope this helps.
Your time line adds up to what I were thinking. Its not a concrete foundation so i can chip it away from the inside.
I think I will follow your method of build the well then install the window.
Now to find the well material, Jobs in philly, pa.
This is a window in a below grade situation (i.e. basement)? Taller window means to me same sill height and closer to the ceiling. The existing window is 32" wide? If this would ever be considered a bedroom, you should build it to egress standards (I think this means 44" sill max. off the flooring). There will be a "lid" on the well opening. What do you mean by this?